Anglesey's July Heelwork to Music Event saw two Brambledale Beardies among the winners, in spite of the intense heat.
Lesley Neville's Brambledale Blue Dewy - just seventeen months old and competing for the very first time - took second place on Saturday and then went on to take FIRST place in his class on Sunday.
You can watch Dewy and Lesley performing their routine at the show here:
I love this picture, which shows the closeness of the relationship between Lesley and Dewy.......
....and the same is true of Barry Bray and Brambledale Balmy Breeze, seen below performing their Heelwork routine to Lou Rawls' 'Lady Love'.
Competing in both Heelwork and Freestyle, they went home with a fistful of prizes - a second, a third and two fourths.
Below: And here are Barry and Breeze at Blackpool where they had another very successful outing. My thanks to Kath Hardman, who took the pictures.