The Brambledale film that Eleanor Flaherty made for me in 2010 was always going to be a hard act to follow but since 2012 was the Brambledales’ Golden Jubilee year, a sequel seemed a good way to mark the occasion.
Eleanor had a few days free in May when we could do the filming and we hoped to have the result on the website by the end of the month.........
The first day went well – and then the rain came down........
We spent the ‘summer’ rescheduling, cancelling and re-rescheduling the filming as the rain went on, and on, and on......
In the end we had to snatch the odd hour here and there, with weeks – even months – between, so that we ended up with backgrounds changing from spring to autumn in many sequences. And with dark skies, even the few scenes that could be filmed indoors are very gloomy, for which we apologise.
So much that I had hoped to include had to be abandoned – but the unintended time-lag did have the advantage of allowing us to film my Golden Jubilee baby, Beatrice, over a period of months, thus showing something of her development from a few weeks old to eight months.
So, in spite of its shortcomings, our 2012 film is now on our 'Videos' page and I hope that you will enjoy it.
01 March 2013
New Film