Recent news items featuring Dan and Brora have brought a response from Carolin Kupper, owner of Dan's litter-sister, Cuddles and Brora's litter-sister, Cap.
Carolin's photographs are always a treat and these are no exception!
Above: Cap at six months old (she gets that eye from her mum, Mottie!) and (below) Cap and Cuddles
Carolin writes:" Cap and Cuddles are doing well. Cap is very sensible and calm, but when she is playing with Cuddles she is a little monkey. Cuddles loves to play with Cap. She looks after her like a mum."
Above : eight legs........and only one foot on the ground!
Above: Cuddles - not only litter-sister to Dan but to Blodyn and Hanner too. At three and a half years old she now looks so like Hanner that even I was confused......