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The sand eel is a small eel-like fish which swim in large shoals. They are an abundant and important component of food webs in the North Atlantic.

The sand eel is a bait fish that every one bait fishing in Europe should know. Why? the answer is very simple, because the sand eel often catches more fish than any other bait. Exactly why the sand eel is such a popular pray among the predators in the sea is hard to say. But it is a fact that you can catch almost all species when you have a live sand eel at the end of your line.

what a bloody life being a sandeel pretty much everything wants to eat you not only below the surface but above it as well birds love em as well ,,

The sandeel is a very effective bait fish for almost all popular saltwater sports fish in Europe from Spain to Scotland, and in the Mediterranean and Baltic Seas. Sand eel is the first choice pray for popular species such as trout, salmon, bass, mackerel, garfish and pollack. so this is a pattern i really needed to have in my fly box for the saltwater

so i set to work and produced the above , the thing is there are thousands of patterns out there for sandeel flies and there is some differences in colouration as well i like the yellow and olive look seems to work well in Scottish waters , but then so do white and blue , pink and white are amongst other colours that are also good maybe just maybe the shape and movement is the key to these patterns

i posted a couple of pictures on facebook ( pike flies if you want to hook up) and was quite amazed at the PMs i got asking for a step by step for this fly so i did one click the picture above to go take a look if you wanna make it you only need four bits of materials now that's value for money right there I'm defiantly going to try these flies in freshwater as well as i think they could also be taken for a minnow and i really see no reason why these wouldn't catch , i mean imagine a smallmouth turning its nose up at this mmmmmmm don't think so ,

sandeel material


sand eel heaven
I'm back on the sand eel trail because i know that there is also variations on colour so decided to do some white belly's on these and change the flash for some lime crinkle flash and mess about with the eye type and I'm actually delighted the way they turned out these are all 3/0 and around the 4 inch mark
the couple of strands of crinkle flash give it a nice subtle flash the head is piketreks Mr bond I've left the flies head first in the UV lamp for a full 5 Min's , as I'm mass tying them ill coat and stick it in there and move on to the next one and the Mr bond really does go rock solid and with no browning at all i just love the stuff , it has some great properties also , if you want it quite runny to get right into the fibres stick it on top of a radiator for a few Min's or a small cup of hot water , if you want it thick for precision work tick it in the fridge for a couple of Min's truly brilliant stuff and cheap as anything see more by click the link below

just got to love em if you want to tie one theres a very easy to follow step by step here

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