Note: LMPS (London Music Publishing Store)
MHJ (Musical Home Journal)
1.Aeroplane Waltz:1910:London Music Publishing Store
2.Abide With Me: Hymn: arr. ER
3.Advanced Guard March: by Theo Bonheur (arr. ER:W. Paxton & C0. Ltd.
4.After the Ball:1893: Lancers, polka, waltz, etc: LMPS.
5.Airs of All Nations1:Brazilian,Swedish,Dutch,Belgian,Chinese:MHJVol.III,No56,29Nov.1905
6.Airs of All Nations2:Italian, French, Spanish, Portugese:MHJ
7.Airs of All Nations3:Japanese, Greek, Servian:MHJ
8.African Magician (The):Panto. Album, bk.1,No 42:Paxton
9.Aladdin's Palace: Panto. Album, Bk.1, No42: Paxton
10.Alberts (The):1898:Quadrilles: LMPS
11.Alice:1905:Romance by J. Ascher (arr. ER):Paxton
12.Always Ready:1897:Polka March:The Banjoist No 9, LMPS
13.America Versus Spain: 1897: Grand March:LMPS
14.American National Airs: 1898:LMPS
15.An Old Fashioned Christmas:MHJ
16.Andante: Rosie's 2nd Sunday Album: LMPS
17.Andante Cantabile: Rosie's 2nd Sunday Album: LMPS
18.Andante Impromtu: Rosie's 2nd Sunday Album: LMPS
19.Anglo-German War Patrol: 1914: March
20.Aoyama Palace (The): Spanish Dance: ER's Easy Albums : LMPS
21.Arab Land: 1900: Waltz: W.H.Broome
22.Arbor Vitae: Waltz: ER's Easy Albums: LMPS
23.Ashantee : 1895: Quick March: W.H.Broome
24.At the Ball: Panto. Album, Bk.2, No 43: Paxton
25.Atlas (The): Waltz: Rosie's 16th Dance Album: LMP
26.Australia: 1901: Grand March in Commem. of the Fedn:LMPS
27.Autumn: Sketch for Organ or Harmonium, Musical Home Journal Vol.I, No2,9th Nov.1904
28.Autumn Evening (An): 1924: March: Banks Music House,Leeds
29.Autumn Memories: 1922: Morceau de Salon: LMPS
30.Back to the Dear Old Country: 1916: by A.S.Coleman (arr.ER)
31.Baden-Powell March: 1900: LMPS
32.Bamboo Polka: Rosie's 17th Dance Album: LMPS
33.Bandolero (The): 1915: Spanish Waltz: R. Maynard
34.Banjo Albums: 1899; Albums 1-6 by ER: LMPS
35.Banjoist (The): 1897-1905: Monthly Pub:(incl. some by ER)
36.Barn Dance: 1893: J. Williams, London
37.Batiste's Celebrated Andante: 1899:Arr.ER: LMPS
38.Bedtime Waltz: Rosie's 17th Dance Album, LMPS
39.Bee Hive Polka: The Royal Album: Allen & Co,lAustralia
40.Bees' Wedding (The):1911: Mendelssohn,Op.67,no 4:arr.ER
41.Belgian March (The): 1914; Paxton
42:Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms (Trad.): Progressive Duet:Arr.ER:PaxtonA
43.Bells at Sunset: by Rockstro: Arr.ER: Paxton
45.Bertini's 25 Studies Opus 29: 1899: Arr.ER
46.Bewitching Valse: 1896: The Mandoinist, No 2: LMPS
47.Birthday Party (The): Descr. Fant: Pitman Hart & Co. Ltd.
48.Better Land (The): 1894: LMPS
49.Bewitching Valse: The Mandolin Album, Vol. 1:LMPS
50.Bit of the Past (A): 1905: March: W.H. Broome
51.Blind Man's Buff:
52.Blue Bell Waltz: The Royal Album, Allan: Australia
53.Blue Bells of Scotland: arr. for Banjo
54.Blumenlied: Melodie by Gustav Lange:Arr.ER:LMPS
55.Boat Race (The)
56.Bob Tail Rag: 1912: Ragtime: Broome
57.Bohemian Girl: 1898: Selection arr.ER
58.Bohemian Girl: 1898: Second Selection arr.ER
59.Bonapart's Grand March: Duet for violin & PF: LMPS
60.Bon-Bons: 1894: Schottische: Sheet Music, also The Violinist No 6: LMPS
61.Bonnie Lassies-(Gentilles Fillettes):1913: Drill March: LMPS
62.Bonnie Baby: 1903: Barn Dance: Broome
63.Bonny Maidens: Polka: Daisy's 10th Dance Album:Paxton
64.Boston Polka: 1898: The Mandolinist No 22: LMPS
65.Boulogne Polka: LMPS
66.Bower of Roses: Fairy Garden-Party Album, No 55: Paxton
67.Bower of Shells (A): Daisy's Mermaid Album, No 56
68.Boy Scouts (The): 1909: Quick March: LMPS
69.Boys' Brigade (The):1 908: Drill March:LMPS
70.Brave Little Boys:March:Merry Moments Albums Vol.9:Beal,Stuttard
71.British Boys (The):1911:Drill March:Rosie's 4th March Album: LMPS
72.British Columbia Grand March: 1906:LMPS
73.British Empire (The): 1900: Fantasia on Patriotic Melodies: LMPS
74,British Empire (The): 1905: Duet: (LMPS)
75.British Flag: Quick March:Home Circle 3rd Dance Album:Marks & Spencers
76.Buckingham Palace: 1901: Court Dance:LMPS
77.Buffalo Bill and the Wild West: 190?: Descrip.Fant.:R. Jackson .London
78.Butterfly-Land Polka: Home Circle 3rd Dance Album: Marks & Spencer Ltd.
79.Butterfly Valse (The): Valse Album: Paxton
80.Butterfly Schottische (The):Daisy'e 5th Dance AQlbum: Paxton
81.Cadets' Quick March: 1894:LMPS
82.Call to Arms (The): 1914: Descriptive FantasiaLMPS
83.Can't You Forget?: Song: Musical Home Journal Vol.VI, No151, Sept. 1907
84.Can't You Forgive and Forget?: 1912: Song by J. Barlow, arr.ER: 85.Cap and Bells: Morris Dance:LMPS
86.Captain of Cadets (The): 1926: Drill March: Paxton
87.Carnation (The): Valse: ER's Easy Albums LMPS
88.Carnival of Venice (Trad.): Progressive Duets arr. ER: Paxton
89.Carnival (The) orris Dance: LMPS
90.Carnival of Venice: Pianoforte DuetFairy Gardenh party Album, No 55:Paxton
(Note: Spaces 91 - 100 left for newly discovered items. See 'News' page )