SpanglefishComebye Collies...Killiebrae Merles, and other Herders | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Hold and Sit ... At the Same Time ?!!! 


This is Bella's page.   The story of her determined, generous and spirited training of me.

From this....

To this ...


 In 10 months !

Bella Good on Bulk !


She is now Two !

After twelve months of training, Bella tries really hard with the precise stuff, small flanks, stops, boundary outruns, etc; and, up to press, does not excell. 

Her preferred disciplines of bird coursing,greeting people and general mindless galloping about continue to take precedence, though I have noticed that her mindset is more mature now she has turned two,and she does have one area of true excellence !

Coupled with a "wide" dog, to start the gather, she loves a mob !  Some sort of instinct surfaces, and she barks and bustles in a very effective way.  She seems to understand what she is doing, and takes just enough command as well, so Bella can be useful on sheep that would never respond sensibly to the more discreet approach!

I have been lucky enough to have found a sensible, loving and beardie friendly home for Bella; she can now apply herself - and does, I understand - to clearing the local area of birds.   Thanks, and good luck !

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