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02 February 2016
1861 Diary now UP.

The 1861 diary is now complete.  However...(there's ALWAYS a "however" !) this was entered into WORD by dictation, so there ARE errors.  Also, sometimes her writing is difficult to decipher - so there ARE errors.

If you spot any, do please let us know.

Where a word is simply too amorphous to even guess, there are "???".


Banal though they may seem, these entries may prove useful in a number of ways.

As an example, on 31st May, she writes that it was Derby Day, and "Kettledrum" won.  Wikipedia agrees with the winner - but thought it was on June 1st !  So it was possible to correct Wikipedia on the strength of her say-so   ;-)  

Another example - she mentions reading a book.  Wikipedia gave the publication date as 1862.  Obviously wrong; now corrected.


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