Descendants of 1111113
Corry Alexander Vully de Candole
who emigrated to Canada
Descended from Jean Gaspard Vully
1 Jean Gaspard Vully
11 Jaques Vully
111 Marc Henri Vully
1111 Jean Jaques Vully
│ │
Louisa Mary 11111 Henri Jean Vully de Candole
111111 Henry Sundius Vully de Candole
│ │ │
1111111 1111112 1111113
Ven. Henry Lawe Corry Rev. Armar Corry Rev. James Alexander Corry
Vully de Candole Vully de Candole Vully de Candole
│ │ │
─────────── ────────── ─────────────────────────
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ Corine │ │ Alison │ │ │
11111111 111111112 11111121 11111122 11111131 11111132 11111133
Henry Alexander Eric Kenneth Corry Charles Donald
Handley Corry Armar Wilfred Alexander Patrick Vully
End End │ Grant │ │ │
For his End ───── For his For his
Descendants │ Descendants Descendants
click here │ click here click here
│ │ │ │
Janet Clare 111111311 111111312
James Richard