11111 Henri Jean Vully de Candole
Henri Jean was born in Dunkirk on 30 December 1814, the broher to his elder sister Louis Mary Vully, and son of Jean Jaques Vully and Mary nee Crutwell, who were married 18 Feb 1809 in Laugharne, Carmarthenshire.
"Professeur" (teacher) of French at Clifton College 1860-81; Lecturer and author of works on the French Classics.
Henry Jean and his sister Louisa took the additional name de Candole; No reason nor justificstion for this has yet come to light, nor why that name was chosen - it just may have been connected to the botanist de Candolle (double L).
This was prior to the marriage of Henry Jean on 31st Decmber 1838 in St. James's, Westminster as Henry John Vully de Candole, to Emilia Sophia nee Corry. This photograph is thought to have been taken then.
They had just one child,
Henry Sundius Vully de Candole, born on 25 June 1841, in Bierlow, Yorks
A book was published, "Mademoiselle de La Seiglire, Drama, with Notes by H.J.V. de Candole" by Leonard Sylvain & Jules Sandeau, and re-printed in 2010 as ISBN 9781148356044.
In 1851 they were living in Clifton, Bristol, with three servants. And his mother-in-law, Elizabeth Mary Corry, nee Aldridge..
Henri J. died on 28 November 1881, aged 66.
Emilia Sophia nee Corry
Emilia was the eldest of three daughters born to George Vaughan Corry (–1840) and Elizabeth Mary Aldridge (1788–1848), who were married on 28 June 1813 in Middlesex.
Emilia was born on 6 May 1817, and baptised on 12 Jan 1818 in Hammersmith.
Emilia's father, George Vaughan Corry was from Clontarf, Dublin when he married. He appears to have died in Hammersmith in 1831. He may be the son of Rev. John Corry and Alice Vaughan
From The Yorkshire Gazette, Saturday 26 January 1839:-
Marriages: Monsieur Henri J. Vully Candole, of the Wesleyan Proprietary Grammar School, Sheffield, to Emily Sophia, youngest daughter of the late George Vaughan Curry, Esq., and granddaughter of John Aldridge, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn.
John was Admitted to Lincoln's Inn, 20 April 1761, "of Uxbridge, Middx., gent." He married Jane Toll 6 Feb 1787 in St Andrew, Holborn; Emilia's mother was their eldest child.
Jane's father, Emilia's great grandfather, was Admiral Edmund Toll, through whose mother Emilia's lineage has been established from the Emperor Charlemagne (born 2 April 747) by way of the Shuckburh family and the Earls of Warwick. But that is the distaff side, so not relevant to this Vully / de Candole record.
This photograph of Emilia is thought to have been taken around the time of their marriage in 1838.
Although living in Bristol at the 1891 Census, Emilia Sophia died in London on 14th December 1893.