social events/competitions 2024
click 'HERE' for top crown theme - did you like that for a longer version click 'here'
Hi Everyone - our 2nd early bird comp' on 22nd March for members was a great success.
The weather was sunny intervals all day - The green had been cut that morning and wasn't even wet from the rain the night before. - The green was even better than last week being cut to 6mm .
Thanks to everyone who helped set up the food/ cushions and blocks
A really great atmosphere as can be seen from the photos below.
There were 4 groups of pairs making 26 players - the winners of the groups played to 'sudden death' having 1 block each.
The final was between Ken Bissett + Merv Yarwood v Rosalyn Wilcock + Barry Winrow with the Ken+Merv eventual winners (1 block each again)
The prizes were easter eggs for finalists and trophies to the winners.
Photos from top down
entries and spectators at start of comp. (2 photos to include all)
comp in full flow- 4 sets of 4
presentation --- Christine presenting prizes to Ken Bissett + Merv Yarwood Rosalyn Wilcock + Barry Winrow then cups to eventual winners Ken + Merv -- well done to them and all who attended a great event.
Thanks to all who helped out on the day and again to Asda for sponsoring the refreshments.
updated 16th March - 2024 -kev
Thank you to Asda and everyone who came to our 'random pairs' round robin competition on the 15th March - it was a great success with 26 entries and a number of spectators/supporters.
A big thank you to everyone who joined in and helped in the clubhouse/kitchen and outside to make this a great success.
The weather was kind to us having rained all morning until 10.30 then clearing up for the rest of the day.
The green had been cut that morning and wasn't even wet because of the vertidraining that had been done in the close season.
Everyone found the green consistent to play on, being slightly heavy as the ground was a little soft with all the rain recently and the grass has not been lowered fully yet - to help it to gain strength after the winter.
Thanks to everyone who helped set up the food and cushions and the marquee cover and it felt like party time when the food came out at 12.30.
The mixing of folk from various club teams helped everyone to get to know each other and made the teams more even for the round robin matches.
A really great atmosphere as can be seen from the photos below.
We are doing the same again on the 22nd + 29th March 11am start.
[ see below photos for the Jimmy Johnstone memorial day on Good Friday 29th March]
starting at top and working down
first photo - matches under way 8 sets of pairs playing 4 matches.
2nd + 3rd photos - group winners - everyone having a laugh (after the sandwiches and drinks ) - spronsored by Asda - thank you Asda.
4th photo - finalists:- Johnny Mort/Rosalyn Wilcock/Ray Stevenson/Merv. Yarwood
5th Photo - Presentation - easter egg prizes for 4 finalists and mini trophies for the winners Rosalyn Wilcock and Johnny Mort.
Last years (2023) event photos are shown below as follows:
top : all the entrants and spectators
2nd: competition in full swing
3rd: ready for prizes to group winners
Joe Counsell/Ray Stephenson Andy Scully/Kevin Harwood
John Mort/Chris Clinton Malcolm Austin/Lawrence Catterall
Can you spot them in the crowd ??
4th : Winners of competition Joe Counsell+Ray Stephenson being presented with cups and Easter eggs by Rosalyn Wilcock
updated 31st March 2023
A 'random pairs' competition on Thursday 30th March was a great success with 24 entries and a number of spectators/supporters.
Although there was a shower at the start of the match the clouds cleared and we had sunny intervals - making a good day with a good bowling surface for this time of year.
The green drained quickly and ran really well with even play all over - everyone being very pleased with it - [ see photos below ]
photos below show:
top: Kevan calling out competition details and pairs teams
centre :matches in progress
bottom: presentation of cups and easter eggs to the group winners being:
Ray Forrest+Roy Schofield/Sandra Doel+Gordon Butler/Peter Clinton+Malcolm Austin - well done to them and everyone who took part to make this one of the best competition days in 5 years.
The competition was organised by Kevan with help in getting the green in shape by the volunteers [in this 'LINK'] especially Malcolm Austin and Mowitt Ltd.
Thanks to the members who helped to make the event go smoothly and the folk who did marking of the games.
2021 Taste of Bowling
posted 30th May 2021 - kev Friday 28th and Saturday 29th May
'BOWLS’ BIG WEEKEND' - TO SHOWCASE ‘SPORT FOR ALL' was celebrated by our club members - with our community volunteers putting on a great show ( as photos below )
- Top photo shows Rosalyn relaxing after winning the round robin competition on Saturday.
Other photo shows Barry Winrow and Kevin Harwood raising the trophy for the Friday pairs competition final .
This ' Bowls' Big Weekend 'event was the only one in Bolton and was
- we had a grant from Bolton CVS [ Eric Wright Group] and some refreshments from Asda which helped make this event.
marquee by Forever manchester
updated 16th june 2021 - kev
Monday May 17th competition was a great success - thanks to Terry Tansey and our faithful volunteers/supporters and those who took part in the competition.
Our top photo shows the setup of the new marquee with trestle table of sandwiches/drinks and goodies - really impressive marquee -so that we could eat and drink outside whatever the weather.
The marquee and food was sponsored by Bolton CVS
Thanks to Barrie Howarth/Johnny Mort/Dave Tadd/Kevan Latham for putting the Marquee together - it will be easier next time we do it.
Thanks to Norman Jones who kept us watered and sorted the club house/kitchen.
Thanks to Roy Ainsworth for making the trestle legs for the table top by Kevan
Terry Tansey organised the comp - couldn't be better - two teams playing a round robin match - which finished up as a draw 145 points each.
Bottom photo taken by Kevan - everyone chilling out after 4 matches each and finishing off the free party food and drink - I am sure they will sleep after that.
thanks to the players and supporters [ from left ]
Dave Smith/Norman Jones/Barrie Howarth/Rosalyn Wilcock/Denver Smith/Sue Smith/Terry Tansey/Keith Waddington/Dave Tadd/Barry Winrow/Barry's good lady
We also had a number of spectators not on the photos
Tuesday 20th April 2021-handicap pairs round robin
Our first competition of the season was a huge success - some 16 members attended with Terry Tansey organising the event.
The weather was sunny and warm and everyone was in good spirits - looking forward to playing competition bowls after a break of 18 months.
Everyone got 4 rounds of bowls starting at 1.15 and finishing around 3.30 with 8 ends per round - just enough to have sore knees in the morning for those that haven't been practicing.
Everyone really appreciated being able to mix as a number of players had been shielding and not mixed for 12 months.
We have some photos below showing players getting in the swing of things with the eventual 'aggregate winners' being Rosalyn Wilcock partnering Terry Judge with Terry Tansey at the rear - so well done Rosalyn and Terry and thanks to Terry Tansey for a well organised competition.
other photos of the day are shown below
updated 2nd September 2019
The Lawson Cup Competition
The Lawson Cup competition (which is sponsored and organised by Astley Bridge Conservative Club) was on Sunday 1st September 2019. @ Astley Bridge Park Bowling Club.
The competition was organised by Chic Gilbertson and the day turned out to be good - just a couple of showers which did not affect the bowling.
The competition was won by Kevan with Paul in the final.
Everyone was invited back to the Conny Club and had a drink and a good helping of tasty hot pot - a big thank you to the Conny Club for sponsoring this event and for Chic in organising it.
Thanks to everyone who helped out with the jobs and cleaning up afterwards.
2019 'taste of bowling ' event
Our open/fun day and 'taste of bowling' on Saturday 22nd of June 11 till 3 pm - was for the club and local community to come together just to have fun and it was just that as can be seen from the photos below .please
It was sponsored by
'Forever Manchester' who have helped us with funding in the recent past.
just the right start to the day - nice cuppa - and catch up chat with members and locals.
Activities in full swing - crown bowling round robin /coaching for learners / and anything you like - well almost.
What's this then ?
- a long jump sand pit ?
- no, silly
-its for French Boules - really fun game here - with Sue going on to be champion - well done.
Our regular green keeper bought and delivered the sand for us and the members put together the sand pit - what a great success.
Rosalyn and Paul putting more food on the table
- provided free to all - sponsored by 'Forever Manchester'
The food was bought fresh - prepared and delivered by local catering 'Fresh and 'Tasty' -yummy yummy - what a great spread.
Here we have some of today's winners.
Kevan with a cup for winning the 'round robin' singles bowls competition.
Sue with a cup for winning the French Boules singles knockout.
The other winners on the day were everyone who attended the event and Forever Manchester ' who funded all the food , materials and green preparation.
Photo-shoot for some of the party/sun-lovers refusing to go home after a great day out and getting ready to tidy up after a really fun day. - Thanks particularly to Paul, Rosalyn, Norman, Malcolm, Sue, Denver, Barry for getting the preparations underway and Dave for helping clear the sand pit and me for organising the event - Kevan.
For other sponsored events click 'HERE'
This is a great video
Jürgen Klopp playing bowls