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Team Fixtures for 2024

Looking for a new club or setting up a team in 2024

- then you are welcome at Astley Bridge Park Bowling Club 

(Council permits are paid for by our club)

-contact Kevan 07505320612 or any committee member for any information.

24th july updated

Next workparty:  Monday 29th July

Please click 'HERE' for details.


 Team fixtures for 2024

(note - click the web page 'back' button to get back to this page )

Vets 'A' Team fixtures for 2024 click 'HERE'   - in 2023  came top of section A

Vets 'B' Team fixtures for 2024 click 'HERE'   - in 2023 came 6th in section A

 Vets 'C' Team fixtures for 2024 click 'HERE'  - in 2023 struggled / shortage of players.

Conservative team fixtures for 2024 click 'HERE'  - in 2023 came 3rd in section B

         For Conny league cup fixtures click 'HERE' 

Bar lane muni.' team fixtures for 2024 click 'HERE' [ playing at Astley Bridge park]

Bar Lane mixed team fixtures for 2024 click 'HERE' [ playing at Astley Bridge park]

All home matches on table below:


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