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 Conny Team news

posted 26th July - kev

Hi team - good cup result on 24th against a stubborn Breightmet side - as we had to give 18 points away . We were lucky with the weather - just occasional drizzle made the surface a bit stiff in places.

We had 5 out of 8 winners - well done everyone - every point counts especially in cup matches.

Looks like we will be in the final on Sunday 18th August - please let me know if you can't make it ( I know Sean is on hols.).

We have a big challenge next wednesday at [ church ward ] little hulton cricket and bowls club [ Manchester Rd , Little Hulton, Manchester M38 9UW ] - it isnt signposted on the road - turn into the club between house numbers 226 and 228 on manchester road.

As for the team - we will be playing the following 7 but have not decided on the 8th yet

Keith Waddington/Kevan Latham/Sean Toland ( originally picked last week)/Peter Clinton/Barrie howarth/Lorraine Seddon/Phil Doel (if arm okay) / one other  ( just concerned about not seen the green and its condition yet)

updated 22nd July -kev

Hi everyone - Our team did really well on 17th against a strong Little lever squad who had 5 winners to our 3 . Click 'HERE' for the results.

Their players were at our green early and it paid dividends for them.

There was some good bowling on the night and from the ends I saw we would get 5 winners on another day.-----So well done .

next match :-

is a cup match v Breightmet Home/Away Wed 24 Jul

This will decide if we get to the final on Sunday 18th August

Team home

Keith Waddington/Lorraine Seddon/Phil Doel/Barrie Howarth

Res: Sandra Doel

Team away

Kevan Latham/Rosalyn Wilcock/Peter Clinton/Christine Clinton


Note !

If Barrie not well on the day then Sandra will play.


updated 16th July- kev.

Our match at Longsight on the 10th was a great result - everyone put in a super effort to give us 6 winners and the 3 points for an away win.( against a strong side at home ).- we had 5 winners when they played us at home earlier in the season - so everyone did the business getting game points for the team result.

Click 'HERE' for results table

Also noted really good support around the green with encouragement and help - which definitely paid dividends - l reckon that got us at least a point that we could have lost.

Thanks for all your efforts in making a good night - especially with starting early and seeing England get to the finals like we hope to in August.

Looks like the league cup final is definitely going to be Sunday 18th August (after another email from Conny league.) So that's good news too.

The team for the 17th at home v Little Lever will include one of our emergency reserve players Paul Pover (for the cup final if we are short ) - so here it is (in accordance with team rules) :

Paul Pover / Sandra Doel / Barrie Howarth / Peter Clinton / Keith Waddington / Kevan Latham / Lorraine Seddon / Rosalyn Wilcock


Sean Toland / Phil Doel  / Christine Clinton 

posted 4th July 2024 - kev

Hi Team - clean sweep last night v Breightmet at home (won by 111 ) - another 10 points in the bag - for match card click 'HERE' - must keep getting the points as we have 2 away matches at the end of the season and our top position is a bit deceptive as some of our challengers have games in hand ( each of which are v us ).

As for the match some good bowling in spells - we all have to improve our consistency to collect those points we need against our rivals.

Big thanks to all the team for supporting everyone on the green / for measuring / marking cards / setting up the cushions+blocks and making cups of tea.

It's unfortunate but some winners will be dropped for our next match v Longsight - as those are our rules.

So our team for our away match at Longsight is:-

Lorraine Seddon / Rosalyn Wilcock / Keith Waddington / Peter Clinton / Kevan Latham / Christine Clinton /Barrie Howarth / Phil Doel.

Reserves: Sean Toland/Sandra Doel (sorry about that )

posted 26th June -kev

Hi Team - brilliant πŸ‘result in our 2nd of 3 cup matches with 7 winners winning by 77 points v Longsight on 26th June [ home and away ]

Really good performances at Longsight with some good 'touch bowling ' on a very fast surface - for the results click 'HERE'  .

Another great team result with everyone supporting the team - which brings in many extra points that other teams dont get - however good your opponent every point goes to the team result. 

The team for next week's league match (3rd July) @ home v Breightmet will be:

Peter Clinton/Christine Clinton/Barrie Howarth/Keith Waddington/Sean Toland /Kevan Latham/Phil Doel/Sandra Doel. 

res: Lorraine Seddon/Rosalyn Wilcock.

We must not be complacent in this match knowing that we have beaten Breightmet everytime that we have played them.

Do not let your concentration levels drop as your opponent will pick up on it and then you will be on the 'back foot ' trying to get the block back.

We must try and win all our games next week to keep the wolf pack at bay behind us.

posted 17th june

Great result at Plodder Lane last week - really well done to an emergency team.

So thank you to lan/Paul/Lawrence for standing in whilst reminder of team on holiday. [ click 'HERE' for results  ]

This Wednesday 19th June we are at Great Lever cricket ground 6.30 practice 7pm start playing Rumworth Cons. 

Looking at the last 2 weeks matches and applying the rules :-

The team is : - Keith Waddington /Kevan Latham/Peter Clinton/Barrie Howarth/Lorraine Seddon/Sean Toland /Rosalyn Wilcock/Sandra Doel

Reserves ( in order ) Christine Clinton/Phil Doel/Roy Ainsworth [ maybe injured ] / Kevin Harwood


Posted 19th May - kev

Presidents πŸ† on Sunday 19th May on Plodder Lane C.C was a successful event on a lovely sunny day and a good running green.

The bowling performances were excellent with Keith Waddington from Astley Bridge Conny team coming away with the cup  - having played really well all the way through - so another cup for Astley Bridge team member - well done Keith.

There were 3 other Astley Bridge members in the competition : Rosalyn Wilcock, Lawrence Catterall, Kevan Latham - all who played well making the day very entertaining especially for Astley Bridge.

The photo below shows Keith receiving the cup from John Southern with the other finalist Alex McColl from Kings head.

Many thanks to John Southern for organising the comp. and Plodder lane for the venue and an excellent green.

16th May -kev

Conny team presentation night is Friday 11th October 2024 at Plodder Lane Conny Club meet at 7.45 for 8pm - please book this in your diary- partytime as usual - please let Kev/Rosalyn know you are coming.

Everyone invited includes emergency reserves.

Updated 18th May - kev
Hi conny team , our home match v Longsight was another success - winning 5 games and 7 points to 3 - which could have been more with some players being outchucked in damp conditions after a downpour at tea time - click 'HERE'  for all the results.

Sandra did particularly well against Phil Tootell - well done.

We must keep practicing in order to maintain this level of play - and we did really well as a team again with team members being on the side of the green encouraging players - which is great to see.

When some team members are in trouble with length or consistency its important that they see support around the green and that the other players maximise their points score to make up for the other results - this tests the more experienced players.

- Thanks to the reserves for turning out and helping with setting up the blocks/scoring/ measuring and supporting the players on the green.


Dunscar B.........  H   24 Apr     won   8 -- 2
BCC Rumworth....H   1 May      won 10 -- 1
Breightmet..........A   8 May      won  9 -- 2
Longsight ...........H  15 May     won 7 -- 3
Presidents πŸ†        19 May Sunday  Keith won the trophy πŸ†
Little Lever ..........A  22 May  rearranged for 21st August
πŸ† Plodder Ln ......    29  May    won 
Church Ward ... ....H  5 Jun       lost
Plodder Lane......   A  12 Jun     won
BCC Rumworth......A  19 Jun     won
πŸ† longsight ............ 26 Jun     won
Breightmet ...........H   3 Jul
Longsight (BC).......A  10 Jul
Little Lever............H   17 July
Arbuthnot πŸ†..............21 Jul  Sunday
πŸ† Breightmet............ 24 Jul
Church Ward .........A    31 July

Plodder Lane .........H     7  Aug
Dunscar  ...............A   14 Aug

The league cup final is Sunday 11th or 18th August

 Team Rules  2024 [ updated 27th February 2024]

  1. The objectives of the team shall be to create a social and competitive group of bowlers with an enthusiastic frame of mind, and with the aim of improving the bowling ability of all team members.

2. All team members / reserves are expected to support the team on match night - whether it be marking/ measuring/walking around the green+encouraging/collecting subs/giving out cards/putting out blocks+mats/serving up cups of tea+coffee/washing up/tidying up etc .

3. The captain must be informed if a ‘player’ is going to be later than the start of the match.

Anyone not doing so will not go into the draw and will be considered  '1st reserve'.

4. Selection of Team

The squad/team size and purpose of the team will make playing every week very unlikely - but will guarantee a full team every week.

Three (3) reserves will automatically play in the match following the one attended.- replacing the worst 3  results from the match attended (no matter who your opponent was or even if you won. )

4th and subsequent reserves attending matches will move up the reserve list playing in the the matches following. 

This rota system will continue all season. - except in cup matches when best averages pick the team.

5. The team and reserves will be posted on this web page - so that everyone knows who is playing on the night.

 (If a player informs the captain that they cannot make the ‘team’ on their selected match day then they will play in the next available match for them.)

(If a reserve cannot play in the following match for whatever reason + advises so a day before the next match then they will be 1st reserve in the following match or the next available one that they can play)

6.In order to improve player's bowling and build the team - pre season round robins will be organised at the club.

After home matches players have the option to go to the Conservative club (50 yards away) to have a drink and chat.

After home matches /when the weather /daylight/spare wednesdays are available we can practice/have round robins to build up a team social or improve bowling.

All reserves are welcome to practice before matches - just in case they are needed on the night.


2024 Team members fees as follows:

Permit fee to council £0  (£40 subsidised by our club)

[this allows you to play on any park green in Bolton for free].

There is no requirement to be a member of a conny club this year.

Astley bridge club membership is to remain at £12 

Team member fee £0

 subs every time you play for the team £3  (as well as cup matches)

£4 for gate key (if you have not already got one) .

If we need to raise additional funds for the team then we need to have football cards or similar.

Please contact Kevan 07505320612 if you need any clarification.

13th Feb. 2024

Thanks to the conny team members that got together after the club's AGM on 7th February - It was a good meeting and we will all look forward to meeting up for the early bird comps. in March

In accordance with 21st feb agm - it isn't mandatory to be a member of  of a conny club to play in the league.

  thanks Kev   -  For 2023 individual results see opposite >

16th January 2024

The new season is getting closer now and we are looking at strengthening our team after last year's difficult cup run where everyone put a great effort in to win the knockout cup - really well done.

Our team members for 2024 are :

Kevan Latham/Rosalyn Wilcock/Barrie Howarth/ Phil Doel/ Sandra Doel/ Lorraine Seddon/ Roy Ainsworth/ Keith Waddington/ Sean Toland/ Dave Tadd/ Christine Clinton/ Peter Clinton.

Reserves: Paul Pover/ Malcolm Austin/ Kevin Harwood/ lan Salisbury/ Lawrence Catterall.


11th November 2023

The Conny league presentation night was last night [Friday 10th November]

Most of the team were there but unfortunately 4 others were on holiday/ill or at other parties. [Paul/Ian/Dave/Malcolm/Kevin H.]

We had a great buffet of mixed sandwiches/mini pork pies/cheese board/crackers/ melon slices/crisps/mini jam and sponge cakes/jumbo biscuits.

There was a female singer/'artist' and plenty of sixties songs/dances/motown/northern soul- we all had a dance/s and consumed plenty of fluids.

photo below showing the team [puppet on a string video is not available as it has been censored] 

Thanks to all the team and reserves this season for some great bowling and friendship resulting in us winning the knockout cup.[see photos below this article]


30th Aug. 2023

Hi Conny team - what a great win(yet again) v o/Hulton 7-3 [30th August ] (who are 2nd place team in league) -  this jumped us up to 3rd place in the final game of the season.
We had a really great performance by everyone with some exceptional wins against really good players of first division standard.
So we will be celebrating our league knockout Cup and top of averages on the 10th of November presentation night.
πŸ’«great team to be part of.

Kev πŸ‘


posted 13th August 2023

Our conny team won the B section league cup on 6th August v Dunscar B - played on the Railway Club.

We beat the top 2 teams in the section to get to the final.

We focused on as many points as possible on every game and it paid off even though we lost 5 games - but the points counted in the end - see match card 'HERE'

On our way to /and in the final we had to utilise most of all our emergency reserve players who helped us win this cup - without them it would not have been possible - so a big thank you to them.

When trying to put a team together for the final we only had 5 regular players - all others were on holiday/injured/unavailable - so everyone pulled together coming back early from hols /playing even though not well /or emergency reserves playing the mandatory 3 league games to qualify - brilliant team spirit - well done everyone without exception. 






 Past events


updated 4th July 2022 -kev

Conny league Presidents cup was retained at Astley Bridge for another year by Kevan who beat Mark Cafferky in the final on Sunday 3rd July 2022 at Dunscar Conservative club.

Thanks to Dunscar for hosting and John Southern for organising on a very good green.

Astley Bridge members had 4 entrants

Keith Waddington/Rosalyn Wilcock/Roger Evans/Kevan Latham

with Keith and Roger being in the semi final - so well represented Astley Bridge. 


updated 24th January 2022 - Kev

The conny league presentation/agm was held on the 12th january at Dunscar conny club.

This photo is kev receiving the Arbuthnot cup .

The Presidents cup photo is below. 

- keeping Astley Bridge on the map








posted 16th August 2021- kev

Photo of Kevan after winning Conny League Presidents Cup at Little Hulton Con. Club Sunday 15th August .

Keeping the cup at Astley Bridge as our Gordon Butler was the last to win it.

The weather on the day was changeable - sunny then a shower - then cloudy .

The turnout could have been better but I understand that there were other comps around town.

Kevan played Steve Walker (from Little Hulton) in the final and it was a good contest with some good bowling.

But Kevan's hilight of the day (when playing the semifinal) was something he had never done in 60 years since starting bowling

- a double toucher on a corner to corner mark when he did not lead the jack

- wow !!

posted 12th July 2021- kev  

Conny league Arbuthnot cup took place at Little Lever conny club on Sunday 11th July and Kev 'brought the cup back home ' to our Club. 

In the photo 

Kevan Latham

John Southern (organiser)

Dean Poulton ( from L.L. conny club)

posted 19th July -2019

Kevan won the Conny league Arbuthnot cup on 7th July 2019 on Plodder Lane conny club green.

He is here pictured with runner up Gordon Butler another Astley bridge bowler .

Gordon was going for the treble - as he won the Conny league presidents cup and also the Betfred pairs cup earlier this year.

Great standard of play by everyone on the day - with the green running really well.

Everyone loved a really competitive final.

Conny Team presentation night 2018 -happy faces

sorry if your photo isn't here - had problems uploading them !


Conny team  

from left

kevan latham

Dave Tadd

Rosalyn Wilcock

Joe Clarke

Chic Gilbertson

Denver Smith

Ken Lord

Sue Smith

Eddie Gregson   Terry Judge   Paul Pover   Ron Spedding

A great team ' never say die '

well done for a brilliant year - 2018

updated 20th May 2021 - kev

The Conny team would like to say 'thank you' to Astley Bridge Conny Club who have sponsored us in previous years prior to Covid. .




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