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Club meetings + Info.  

Minutes of meeting 7th Feb 2024
Committee members
Paul Pover
Malcolm Austin
Norman Jones
Barrie Howarth
Kevan Latham
Paul chaired the meeting-
Thanks for attendance.
Absentee apologies.
Andy Scully
Sean Toland
Paul Schofield
1 min silence for members no longer with us.
Get well thoughts for
Roy Schofield
Jimmy Johnstone
-Minutes of Feb 2023 agm.
-Report on year's bowling:
Successful season for our club teams and members.
Thanks to team captains Barrie:Norman:Barry :Kev
and team members and reserves for their help in the teams
Vets A team - league winners ๐Ÿ† and cup runners up
Vets C knockout cup runners up
Conny Team knockout cup winners ๐Ÿ†
John Mort ๐Ÿ†vets merit winner
Kevan ๐Ÿ†betfred vets winner.

Particular emphasis was made about members volunteering for work around the green and in the clubhouse in order to keep our permit obligations to a minimum.

Norman - Financial statement, income and expenditure - explanation of accounts handed out - well received by eveyone - questions answered.

Kevan Latham - Statement on accounts and put forward a change of policy on permit and subs to pay for playing matches - to be voted on by members.
Really good set of 2023 accounts by Norman audited by kevan - well done.
Summary by me with comments on new proposals for increase in subs and council permit subsidy based on 'pay and play approach' which is a fairer way because the council permits are considered unfair for occasional bowlers when we look after our own green.
5 teams playing at the club (or more preferably) is essential for this approach to be acceptable.
Particular emphasis on vets C team having increased numbers for this coming season as they played short in 2023.
Welcome to the new members and Bar Lane municipal team who have come to our club (playing on Monday night).
New members being
Paul Schofield
Mark Liddell
Summary of new charges for all members:
£12 membership
£3 subs for all matches - home away and cup.
Tea and biscuits free for teams and visitors.
Team player permits paid out of  club finances.
Members offered to comment and answers given.
£12 membership payments taken.
Unanimous vote for the change in membership and player charges.

Any other questions answered.
Thanks were given to everyone on the committee and members attending.

meeting ended.


Main Committee  (in 2024 )

Paul Pover -  Chairman  poverp@hotmail.com     mob.07929 617383

Barrie Howarth - BCGBA safeguarding Officer

                             01204 410165  email : barrfor@hotmail.co.uk 

Kevan Latham - Club Coordinator + secretary + web site + club audit

                            mob: 07505320612 

                            email :kevanjlatham@hotmail.com

Norman Jones -  Treasurer mob:07972606423                                   

                              email: jones.n19@sky.com

Malcolm Austin - bowling green       tel: 07720 287460

                            email: malcolm.austin4@ntlworld.com

                            Sub Committees

volunteers still required to be proactive for :

1] raising sponsorship for funds

2] for schools/club/volunteer group contacts 

3] to look after and improve flower beds/ surrounds

4] to look after the clubhouse/kitchen/toilets/organise decorating

5] Bowling green + surrounds

          Kevan Latham + Malcolm Austin + volunteers  required    

6] To organise competitions / events 

7] Social  secretary   - required              

8] Training + coaching – organising these events with schools/clubs and the general public

A big thank you to our contactor Mowitt for regularly mowing the green and the advice throughout the year .

A big thank you to all our volunteers also.

I estimate that our volunteers have saved the club / council some £5000 this year in labour - keeping the surrounds tidy and the green / verges in great condition with regular treatments and/free of leaves /boxes repaired and regularly scarified .

We have a great bunch of volunteers - who give up their time to make the club special for all our members and the community - who we hope will be able to join with us once again when it is possible .

We would welcome other members to join with us in making our plans easier to achieve - as we have lots of ideas and funding to make these plans happen - we just need more hands - whether it be for physical work / admin work / enquiries for products - shopping around on the internet for good bargains of things we need / skills like plumbing or flagging or painting or joinery work /cleaning and improving the clubhouse / organising events /competitions /making enquiries with other businesses or groups who may want to sponsor us and join in with our open bowling events or coaching for youngsters in clubs and schools. 

We go into 2024 with a really good green and realistic plans for making our bowling club safer /more comfortable /pleasant /adventurous for its members and the community.


Club members achieving :

full dbs /safeguarding and BCGBA level 1 coaching accreditation 

:- (as at 1/7/2018 )  are as follows

Barrie Howarth /  Kevan Latham /  Malcolm Austin / Paul Pover / Rosalyn Wilcock

Club members achieving :

full dbs and BCGBA level 1 coaching accreditation 

:- (as at 1/7/2018 )  are as follows

Barry Winrow / Kevin Harwood

see page on coaching/welfare for further details




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