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Sub Bugs 6

the scottish connection with dave lindsay

hook 4/0 sakuma manta
body- white / pink bucktail
flash- pink
collar- pink maribou feather
head-  pink / white deerhair

hook 8/0 sakuma manta
body- yellow ep fibre
flash- gold flashbou
head-  yellow/black deerhair

*this fly is 10 inchs long"

hook................6/0 orvis pike muskie hook
body...............yellow orvis mega zonker strip / barred orange hackle feathers artic fox
eyes................7.5mm conical animal eyes
flash................pearl flashbou
head................fluro yellow / chartreuse deer hair
length.............6 inchs  

hook................6/0 orvis pike muskie hook
body...............white orvis mega zonker strip
collar...............white artic fox
eyes................7.5mm conical animal eyes
flash................pearl flashbou deer hair
length.............6 inchs

hook................6/0 orvis pike muskie hook
body...............yellow orvis mega zonker strip
collar...............yellow bucktail / orange artic fox
eyes................7.5mm conical animal eyes
flash................pearl flashbou
head................fluro yellow deer hair
length.............6 inchs

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