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 ken capsey

ken the mad arsed pike piker hails from vermont and is 31 with a great family his time is spent in between family dutys either at the vice or  or zipping round lake champlain chasing pike .

ken has some great catches on sub bugs including his biggest chain pickeral , some massive large mouth bass , and of course pike although knowing ken the list will go on as the year progesses

ken is a total sub bug nut and has had some great adventures with them kens bugs can be found in the side bar menue you can also keep up to date with his adventures through his blog (click the pic below)

in the winter when he cant get out fishing ken can be found doing his other passion in life which is collecting rare new kids on the block records and memrobilia in fact ken has the largest selection of magazines related to the band in the world and has also seen the band over 200 times his favorite item is a picture of him and the band outside a hotel where he camped for 2 weeks just to meet them ....way to go buddy 



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