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sub bugs 1 

the scottish connection with dave lindsay



 hook 4/0 sakuma manta
body-barred orange hackle feather/gren bucktail
flash- green flashabou
collar- green maribou feather
head- orange / green deerhair

hook- 4/0 sakuma manta
body- white saddle hackle / white bucktail /
flash- pearl flashabou
back- orange spoted g/f feather
collar-white maribou
head-off white / red deerhair
eyes / 8mm

hook- 6/0 aberdeen
body -yellow / green bucktailyellow spotted g/f feather
flash -pearl flashbou
back -black /white ostrich hearl
collar -maribou feather
head - yellow / brown deer hair
eyes - 8mm

 hook- 4/0 sakuma manta
body - yellow hackle feathers/yellow bucktail
flashpearl flashbou
back - black bucktail
collar - yellow maribou feather
head - yellow /dark yellow derhair 
eyes- 5mm


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