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dave lindsay



hi all well im dave i live in edinburgh in scotland (its a crazy city) im in my early 40s and have have 4 children from the ages of 2 to 24 all girls except for one elliot who is 2

my love of fly fishing stems from an early age when as a 12 yr old i used to try and make trout flies to use on the river tweed close to where i lived at time so i guess i had the basics in place for pike fly tying in later life in between my goes at dead baiting and lure fishing for pike , im now pretty much 100% fly only just love the method as a sport

i have a passion for tying pike flies that is hard to resist sometimes things just leap into you head and you got to go make it no matter what time of the day or night it is , sometimes ill see a pattern and think pike and change it around a bit to suit my style of fishing...

sub bugs are slowly taking over my brain such a versitile fly hence the website with ken to get the ideas out there and down on paper so to speak for the history books

ive known ken for a while and hes a really crazy arsed fly angler and a great freind and with as much passion for the sport as ive ever seen although it does help when you live 10 mins from some great fishing and have your own boat .

i also have a regular pike fly fishing / fly tying site click the link below and enjoy the site as well as this one

Dave Lindsay

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"shit theres dave and ken im history"


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