Andrew Gold
Andrew has lived in the Highlands and Islands for 30 years. A founder member of the original Highland Literary Salon, and member of other writing groups “over the piece”, Andrew mainly writes short stories, flash fiction and some poetry, with a quirky/offbeat style. He’s had a short story performed as a radio play by Monster FM, a poem on grief included in an anthology, and a story published by Readers Digest in the 100 Word competition, but is otherwise unpublished. Now returned to Ross-shire, after a 10 year diversion in Devon, Andrew joined Ross-shire Writers in 2024.
Holed by bad decisions, failed marriages, and plain bad luck, John’s life had run aground.
He grasped the idea of disappearance with uncharacteristic energy, scanning the news for opportunities. And then it came: appropriately a storm had sunk a ferry only 10 miles up the coast. A suitcase containing selected items, if found on the shore, could identify him as one of the unrecognisable lost. Then he could start again.
Returning home to complete his plan, he found the storm had cut the power. He struck a match but, in his haste to disappear, he had left the gas on.
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