

Ross-shire Writers has three out of four of its published anthologies available to buy as well as the collection of stories by Catriona Tawse 'Town With No Name'. Contact Louise James if you would like a copy.



Along the Lines (2007) is sold out - you may be lucky and find a copy online. This collection of poetry and short prose was launched during the Highland Year of Culture and won first prize in the Writers' Circle Anthology section of the David St John Thomas Charitable Trust.








Further Along the Lines (2009) - a few copies are still available. This was the second anthology produced by Ross-shire Writers; it was well received and brought together short stories and poetry from the members both old and new. 









Ross-shire Reflections (2012) - a few copies are still available. Our third publication allowed the group to continue showcasing its writing which seems to emerge effortlessly from a relaxed supportive atmosphere.









Between the Lines (2016) - a few copies are still available. This anthology included the three winning stories for 2016 from our longrunning Young Ross-shire Writers Competition. We also included a winning story from Christine Rolffe-Budd, one of our members who passed away earlier in the year. 








Place with No Name (2018) Catriona Tawse - a few copies are still available.

This collection of stories was written by a former member, Catriona Tawse, who passed away in 2018. An unnamed west coast village is the setting for humorous, poignant, and at times dark stories, all taking place towards the end of the 20th Century leading up to the millennium. 






















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