Sandra Bain
Sandra Bain is a native of the Black Isle but has worked in Perthshire and Peru. She has had non-fiction articles published and in 2005 she produced a book on the history of Tore School. Between 2008 and 2015 she edited the magazine of the Scottish Fellowship of Christian Writers.
It was one of those days
Summer rain, muddy paths
Windy nights, leaves falling
Blossom blown
Flowerbeds battered
Roses soaked and sagging
Weeds thriving grass growing
All untamed
Horses stand, backs to elements
Dripping wet
You feel their misery
Then came one of those days
Autumn sun shining
Illuminating residual colour
Roses vibrant in unaccustomed brightness
Garden chairs beckon. Relax
Housework can wait
Enjoy sun on your face – glowing
Aching bones and muscles release
Mind steps up a gear (or two)
Gloominess turns to happiness
Negative becomes positive
There’s a spring in your step
Even the animals seem more alive – alert
Dry. Coats glistening in sunlight
Warm, No longer sleek with fallen rain
Indian summer? Perhaps
It was one of those days.