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'The Language of Natural Inclusion

From Defining Inert Objects to Distinguishing Dynamic 'Flow-Forms'



Based on the predominance of definitive thought, many of us have been brought up to use language in a very rigid way, believing that this enhances clarity, certainty and precision and removes ambiguity. Unfortunately this has the effect of reinforciing definitive thought at the expense of recognising the intrinsic fluidity of natural phenomena, which arises from the receptive-responsive relationship between space and energy. By seeking to 'define things' we immediately fall into a language trap that can give quite the wrong impression of what we truly mean. This is especially a problem for anyone who recognises and wants to communicate the reality of natural inclusion. We need to use language very carefully if we want our true intention to be understood. For example, I take great care NOT to speak in terms of 'connectedness, connection and oneness' when I really mean 'continuity, relationship and openness'.

You may find this brief glossary helpful in recognising this problem and understanding why I use language in the way that I do.  



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