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The very special BLAZE - Talraz Heartsong  R.I.P. - as he will always be remembered and appreciated, aged 17 months


Just some of the lovely Beardies owned or bred at TALRAZ, with thanks for the memories

LULU - Talraz Tutti Frutti JW 1 CC 1 Res CC - a show dog who also loved to work!

LULU on her tenth birthday - sadly lost to cancer soon after this photo was taken

Jeannie  - Talraz Silver Charm - a sweet gentle lady

MONTY - Talraz Mackenzie - a great agility dog

BARNEY - Ch Talraz Tamarisk - Best of Breed Crufts 2004

JESSIE - Talraz Passion Fruit - always photogenic!

Soft focus, in Princess Jessica mode

Beautiful to the end - Jess a few days before she left us aged almost 15

SUSIE - Talraz Tangerine Dream - Jessie's litter sister

THISTLE - Talraz Thistledown - litter sister to Barney

CHRISSIE - Talraz Apple Charlotte, litter sister to Jessie and Susie

JAKE - Talraz Arcade Fire - litter brother to our Honey, sadly went to Rainbow Bridge much too young, hit by a speeding car

SHANNON - Talraz Paddy's Pride for Lykath - working sheep

SHANNON - in her prime - a most versatile Beardie who lived to almost 16 years

The gentle ladylike PHOEBE - Wellknowe Candle Light 1 CC

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