These pages are dedicated to TALRAZ BEARDIES past and present and the special people who have given them such wonderful homes....
(More photos are always welcome, so if you are a TALRAZ owner, please let us have your dog's photo for inclusion)
In no particular order.......
 Jody Talraz Touch of Joy (Jody) formerly owned by the Baker family - sadly now at the Bridge A daughter of Kayleigh (T Laura's Joy) by Ch Willowmead Wish Upon A Star |
 Kelso Talraz Royal Recruit (Kelso) who now lives in France with Severine Fonguese A very keen herding dog, a successful show dog, and has proved a useful stud dog as well |
 Kerry Talraz Dawn Chorus (Kerry) who lives just down the road with Grat and Jean and is half-sister to Kelso. Kerry is a very dark blue with a strong likeness to her late Auntie Phoebe |
 Turbo Talraz McLaren (Turbo) - this exciting young dog, brother of Diva and Ellie, is making his presence felt in France with Judith Ferrie and is siring some super pups - STOP PRESS - now an International Champion! |
 Dyson Talraz McFly (Dyson) litter brother to Turbo, Ellie and Diva, lives in Doncaster with the Hayes family Enjoys a pampered pet lifestyle but has been much admired - a handsome chap! |
 Tilly and Shannon Talraz Imagination (Tilly) with her best friend Shannon (Talraz Paddy's Pride for Lykath) |
 Tilly Tilly - litter sister to Diva etc - aged about five months. Tilly is owned and very much loved by Rosie and Steve |
 Rosie Talraz First Light (Rosie) owned by Liz and Roy Ramshaw. Rosie is a litter sister to Kerry, the blue bitch higher up the page, and also to Hebe who can be seen below right. This litter was born one May morning as dawn broke, hence the theme we chose for their KC registered names |
 Harvey Talraz Pink Floyd (Harvey) who lives in Whitby with the Bucks and another Beardie called Sally - we see them regularly when they visit for grooming. Harvey is Honey's brother |
 Santa Another of Honey's brothers, this is Talraz Cockney Rebel (Santa) who lives in Doncaster with the Hollowells and regularly spends time with his cousin Dyson |
 Hebe Talraz Sunny Start (Hebe) who lives locally with the Gibbons family and is a regular visitor for grooming. Litter sister to the blue bitch Kerry and to Rosie Ramshaw |
 George A rare picture of George (Talraz Blue Baron) son of Razzle from our first Talraz litter in 1982 |
 Henri Henri (Talraz Black Brocade) from Tallie's first litter to Ch Potterdale Patch of Blue Survived parvovirus as a young pup in the 1980's and went on to do well in the show ring for owner Sue Long, who also owned T Blue Baron (George) |
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