MIRK ("Talraz Supertramp") is a big handsome tricolour boy, son of MEG by Ch & Ir Ch Gallus Macracker at Kyleca JW ShCM

Full brother to the late BLAZE, he was returned to us at age six months from his first home, which didn't work out. Through no real fault of his own, he had become something of a handful, and for a few days his future was uncertain.
Everything changed when he was introduced to sheep for the first time!
 Very Cute! Mirk as a young puppy, the tricolour markings very visible at this age |
 First Encounter Here he is aged almost seven months, lanky and puppyish - until he rounded the corner and stopped in his tracks when he spotted the small flock of tester sheep in Jackie's training paddock We saw then a glimpse of the keen herder he was to become |
 Natural Talent Within a few minutes, Jackie had him moving fluently around the flock in either direction His eyes never left the sheep and his concentration was remarkable in one so young |
 Moving Out In residence at Jackie's as a trainee sheepdog, Mirk maturing and looking fit and supple Clearly enjoying the direction his life is now heading! |
 Working Trot His long stride means that Mirk can cover a great deal of ground with very little effort Still only nine months but making great progress with his lessons |
 Holding the Flock Positioning himself to keep control of the flock, Mirk watches the straggler on the outside edge, and moments later jinks sidewards to prevent its escape No commands, he works purely on instinct here |
 Head Study Aged ten months, and Mirk's profuse puppy coat proving a slight handicap! Some skilful hairdressing was required to improve visibilty for him, and he clearly enjoyed all the attention |
 Winter 2008 Aged eleven months, and wearing his full puppy coat, now at the pale stage Looking very like his litter brother Blaze, though a touch leggier |
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