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Several of the people who are associated with Herding Beardies website have recently published  herding  training  manuals.  I have also include some herding books & DVDs that  I have found useful. Please click the links for more info on how to order.


Jackie Goulder  


There is Another Way   - Part 1 of an all breeds training manual using pics from Herding/Training days in North Yorkshire. Well Read Sheep - newly published -  part 2  of  Jackie's training maunual -  herding from the sheep's POV.    Barking Mad - History of Jackie's  involvement with Beardie herding. All books available  from her web-site. 


    Jeannie Joy Hartnagle Taylor  & Ty Taylor 


 Stockdog Savvy -   "It is a quintessential guide to owning, training, trialing, working or caring for your stock dog." Some Beardie pics from HB's website.  


Nij Vyas


Sheepdog Training & Trials .  -  Now available at  bookstores & direct from Nij's website       "This comprehensive and invaluable book describes innovative ways of training sheepdogs and addresses a number of subjects that have not been adequately covered in previous publications...." 



Andy Nickless 



DVD - First Steps in Border Collie Sheepdog Training - Although this DVD is aimed at novice handlers of Border Collies  - basic shepherding techniques are also applicable to Beardies.  Andy is at present filming his second DVD concentrating on training handlers!


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