Happy foursome. Studs Mclaughlan, Shug Rushberry, Willy, Jim Torrance. |
 Posers. Jim Torrance, Stan Roger, John Morrison. |
 Bikers 3! Alex Thomson, Studs McLaughlin, Jimmy Torrance. |
 Digging Petrol Dump. Rushberry,Studs Mclaughlan, Cpl Hughes, Cpl Torrance Sennelager. |
 Hiding the item. Joe Merry, Willie Crawford, Jim Torrance. |
 What are this crowd up to? |
 Jim torrance, Alex Thomson, John Irwin. |
 MT Section. Jim Torrance, Long, Mack. |
 Jim Torrance, Studs. |
 MT Section. Mack, Long, Sammy Millar,Jim Torrance. |
 Give it some welly!! Jim Torrance, Ted Williamson. |
 Murray, Mack, John Rouse, Long, front Jimmy Connely. |
 Saltau June 1960 Joe Middleton, Willie Chisholm, Jimmy Meickle. |
 Harry Morris Eddie Edwards. Sennelager 1962 |
 Man handle mortar over river. |
 H Rushberry, Willy, Ted Williamson, John Thompson. |
 The Cold War stops for a cuppa and a piece!! |
 MT Platoon lets us know it!! |
 Petorshagen TRG Area 1961. Any face names from the Petershagen pics would be appreciated. |
 Petershagen |
 Petershagen |
 Petershagen |
 Saltau 61 |
 Spot the Cam. If you spot him can I borrow your specs please! |
 Alec Falconer. |
 Ted Williamson. |
 HQ Company Building. Any names please? Rear right Andy Hyndman, middle Jim Torrance. |
 Section attack 1961. |
 11th Motorised Infantry Brigade. The famed battle axe badge worn in Minden. |
 HQ Company. Left Jim Torrance Andy Hyndman. Any names please? |
 Any names or faces please? |
 From Andy Steel. |
 Pt instruction course Sennelager 1962. 2nd left seat Sparta McLaughlin, right seat Alex Donaldson.thanks Alex. |
 Alex Donaldson RP Cpl Minden. |
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