Plenty of snow here, wrapped up warm though? Details of the Austin Champ.
Austin Champ FFW: 99 BE 03, Chassis-WN1-9903, Engine-61513, DiS-26/7/55 under RV-ASC/R/1331/79 [12th RAOC B Vehicle Depot Ashchurch in Gloucestershire], S/O: Ruddington 12/9/66 [Ex TA UK], Sold Off: 87th Ruddington 6/12/66 Lot-532B [One of 3 Champs in Lot-532]. Location-Ruddington’s “Burning Ground” and auctioneers were Walker, Walton & Hanson of Nottingham.
Markings on Champ:
Unit No: 7 on red with 11 Inf Bde Grp formation sign. “L” for Driving Training.