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Your Ideas

You've given us loads of ideas, keep them coming........


·         “Coffee mornings for mums and support for homeless people”

         “Use the Church Hall for Dance Nights for young people”

·         “I would like to see the cleaning of the churchyard”  

·         “I think there should be discussion groups for local people to talk about issues that affect the local area and have a chat”  

·         “A School Reunion would be great”,  

·         “There could be Sunday school outings and prize giving ceremony, bring the choir back and have a yearly anniversary and Harvest Festival”  

·         “Ethnic Music and to be more aware and to celebrate other cultures”  

·         “There could be a presentation about the church and Dudley in the olden days”  Keshel Mason, age 11

  “Could the agriculture students from St Thomas Network work in the cemetery to improve this historical building”  


The St John’s Church Youth Club was the envy of the area. R. Evans


Christian Bookstore, Bell Ringing Practice. W. Adams


Memorial Services to help remember loved ones who have passed over.


Venue for Citizens Advice Bureau Outreach Service. M. Evans


I think it should be used as a church.


Home Prayer Groups. D. Jennings


Once the church and churchyard are cleared up and open, it should stay on the internet for people all over the world to see. Mrs Gibbons


Any activity which would keep church and community alive. M. Hawker  


I feel the way forward for most churches is as multi-use buildings not just for Sunday Worship. C. Bewg


Places for children and teenagers to go after school. J. Griffiths


A place for youth clubs, for all ages, and all kinds of people should be welcome. S. Griffiths


Try to get hot dinners for a few days a week. Mrs J. Adams


Places for youth clubs for children of all ages. C. Griffiths (young supporter)       


Fix it!! L. Clarke


Spiritualist readings/mediumship. History Talks of the church.


My three children  under 17 would enjoy Sunday School and activities for children.


Cubs, Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies, PC Ken Morris, Neighbourhood Police Officer, Kates Hill


Activities  for young people. M. Stevens


Do Brownies in the church hall. V. Woods


Groups  for Fathers. J. Garratt


Brownies, Cubs, Guides, Scouts etc., R. Ruston


A must for Remembrance Day service November 11th. Mrs and Mrs A.J. Richards. Ex Servicemens Club, Dixons Green Road


A must for Remembrance Day, Nov 11th. J. Sutton



Cubs, Scouts, other youth groups. D. Perry


I want to save St John’s for community use, valuable community spirit. A. Carpenter


Use it for community work. T. Burns


Build it as a place for people to mix and everybody to mix together. Mixed religions. B. Campbell.


More help with homeless people regardless of their age to be helped more, and brought into church activities, inviting them to become Christians. N. Collier


Choir to be returned.  Anniversary once a year. Harvest Festival. Sunday School outing. Prizegiving. Parishioners to put to the outings. K.E. Cookson


Class re-unions. D. Cornfield


It should be used again for births, deaths, marriages and weddings, and preserve the heritage and memories of the deceased there. K.J. Darby


Very smart church, should be used for kids as they grow up. W. Griffiths


Presentation on the church and Dudley in the olden days. K,M and M Handley (young supporters)


I can go on Newsround. Write to MPs, Councillor and the PM. Fundraising show. Fundraising events. Sponsorship for racing and records.  K. Handley (Young supporter)


Disabled Groups. L. Higgins


Muslims and Christians can get together. J. Hussain


Flower festival brings people in. W. Meredith


A place of worship that also functions as a useful welcoming space for the community is invaluable. S. Oliver


Bingo and bowls. Mrs Payne


Endeavour to modernise the use of the church to encompass a broad spectrum of activities. D. Reynolds


Sunday School with no preaching! S. Round


Return the choir. Return the church bells. A. Russell


As we have no tourist information centre perhaps this could be incorporated with the church to promote everything that Dudley has to offer. C.A. Rushton


I like the idea of discussion groups but not necessarily religious. K. Shakespeare


Discussion groups about the area we live in and what people think should happen in the area. A weekly place to chat. R. Sheldon


Local history classes. M. Smart


Church magazine. C. Stringer


Security to the site for the safety of residents nearby to discourage dope users etc who occupy ground at present. S. Vaughan

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