External Assessment
There will be a total of 90 marks for the paper. Candidates will be expected to demonstrate that they have retained and can apply knowledge, and use it to explain observations and phenomena. They will also be expected to demonstrate that they have developed physics skills. Questions assessing both knowledge and understanding and skills may be set in a problem solving context.
Mark allocation to Knowledge and Understanding
Approximately 60 marks will be allocated to questions that require candidates to demonstrate knowledge and understanding. A summary of the marks allocation to knowledge and understanding for the component Units is as follows.
- Whole paper (60)
- Our Dynamic Universe (24)
- Particles and Waves (24)
- Electricity (12)
- Researching Physics 0
The 60 marks allocated to knowledge and understanding will be allocated as follows:
a) Make accurate statements about Physics 6 marks
(All marks assessing the grade description at grade C.)
b) Use relationships to solve problems 32 marks
(Approximately two thirds of the marks assessing the grade description at grade C and approximately one third assessing at grade A.)
c) Use knowledge to explain observations and phenomena 22 marks
(Approximately one half of the marks assessing the grade description at grade C and approximately one half assessing at grade A.)
Mark allocation to skills
Approximately 30 marks will be allocated to questions that require candidates to demonstrate achievement of the skills as described in Outcome 2 for the three content based component Units and all three Outcomes for the Researching Physics Unit.
Approximately two thirds of the total marks allocated to skills will assess grade descriptions at grade C.
Approximately one third of the total marks allocated to skills will assess grade descriptions at grade A.