Nat 5
This course serves to equip you with an understanding of the impact of physics on everyday life, and with the knowledge and skills to be able to make your own decisions on issues within a modern society where the body of scientific knowledge and its applications and implications are ever developing. By using the skills base and knowledge and understanding of physics, you will become scientifically literate citizens.
Course Content
Physics gives you an insight into the underlying nature of our world and its place in the universe. From the sources of the power we use, to the exploration of space, it covers a range of applications of the relationships that have been discovered through experiment and calculation, including those used in modern technology. An experimental and investigative approach is used to develop knowledge and understanding of physics concepts.
The course has three compulsory units, plus an added value unit that assesses your practical skills. The units are the same as those for National 4 but you will have to produce a higher standard of work.
Electricity and Energy
In this unit you will:
deepen your understanding of the applications of electricity and energy, and the implications of this for society and the environment
learn about the key areas of energy transfer, heat and the gas laws.
Waves and Radiation
In this unit you will:
Dynamics and Space
In this unit you will:
learn more about the applications of dynamics and space and the implications of this for society and the environment
investigate the key areas of kinematics, forces and space.
Added Value Unit: Physics Assignment
In this unit you will:
carry out an investigation using the skills and knowledge you developed in the other three units
investigate a topical issue in physics from a selection
produce a written summary of the research and development ideas that inspired your work.
Your work will be assessed by your teacher on an ongoing basis throughout the course. Items of work might include:
You must also sit a written exam marked by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).
You must pass all the course units, including the practical assessment, and the written examination to be awarded the course qualification.
The course assessment is graded A–D. Your grade will depend on the total mark for all the units in the course.
Progression from this course is Higher Physics.