SpanglefishPrestwick Academy Physics Department | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 20/07/2015.

Energy Matters

This Unit emphasises the importance of energy to our survival. In addition to considering some of the physical principles involved, pupils should become aware of wider issues concerning energy.

In the first section of this Unit, issues relating to consumption and supply of energy are considered. The opportunity is offered to consider renewable sources and to evaluate the contribution that these might make in the future. The need for conservation and for consideration of environmental issues is also involved.

The second section of the Unit concentrates on the conversion of electrical energy from the original source. A range of types of power station is considered.

The third section describes the transmission of electricity from source to consumer. A review and development of the principles involved in electromagnetic induction and a.c. is included in order to allow them to be considered in the context of the National Grid.

The final section concentrates on energy in the form of heat with particular reference to the domestic situation.


Summary Notes


Below you will find a copy of the Homework booklet and the interactive version for each activity.

Energy Matters Homework


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