SpanglefishPrestwick Academy Physics Department | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 20/07/2015.


The aim of this Unit is to review, consolidate, and extend some important physics concepts by considering applications of physics in the context of astronomy and spaceflight.

The first section gives the opportunity to revise earlier work on refraction of light, lenses and image formation, and to extend this to include the effects of aperture and image formation with a magnifying glass. Spectroscopy relates to aspects of colour and leads on to a treatment of the electromagnetic spectrum where the various parts of the spectrum are linked together.

Section 2 begins with a treatment of rockets and Newton’s third law. The topic of launch vehicles provides an opportunity to extend the use of Newton’s second law. The topic “Gravity and weightlessness” builds on pupils understanding of acceleration and weight to consider the relationship between weight, mass and gravitational field strength. Mechanics concepts are further developed in the topic “Artificial satellites and projectiles”.


Summary Notes


Below you will find a copy of the Homework booklet and an interactive version of each activity.

Space Homework Booklet


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