Holiday Payments page
This page is to keep track of who has paid what towards the holiday. Since this is theoretically a publicaþlly accessible webpage all identities and any geographic locations will be obscure to protect privacy and comply with laws regarding data protection, however only people that know the URL will be able to view the page as it won't be displayed on my website's menu, so the chances of anyone else happening upon it are extremely slim.
The total cost of the holiday, including the upgrade from a Mylor 2-bed to a Demelza 3-bed, is £1059, shared equally between 6 people. This means that each person initially owes £176.50
Everytime someone makes a partial or full payment I will update this page to reflect this (which I'll aim to do within 24 hours of receiving a payment), so that any one of us can check our own outstanding balance, or view anyone else's. In the event that one or more people drop out (please don't if you can help it) it may be necessary to either find replacement people at short notice, or else to reapportion the cost between a smaller number of people (i.e. raise the cost per person), so if anyone is thinking of dropping out please try to give us some notice, and if you hear that someone else is planning to drop out then it's in everyone's interest to try to persuade them not to (obviously depending on what their reason for dropping out is).
I probably should have also mentioned at the time of booking that I do not have online banking, so payments will need to be cash/cheque (the latter will not be reflected on the webpage as a payment until the cheque has successfully cleared). The deadline for payments is set by the holiday company as 26th May, which is when I have to pay the outstanding balance to them, however due to this clashing slightly with people's pay days a couple of people have asked for a few days beyond this date, so I will ask that you all aim to make full payment by 26th May if possible, or, if you give me advanced warning of the need to extend the time period (which two people already have), by 9th June at the latest (but please let me know in advance if this is still a problem).
Ca Je
May 17th - Joined the holiday, place and balance transferred from Ri Co
May 25th - £100 received with thanks (at 6HC)
Jul 22nd - £6 deducted from total, for unrelated reasons
Jul 22nd - £70.50 to pay
Da We
Apr 28th - £176.50 to pay
Apr 28th - Payment coordinator, so no need to make payments to myself
Apr 28th - £0 to pay
Da Wh
Apr 28th - £176.50 start balance
May 2nd - £50 received with thanks (at 72MW)
Jun 5th - £9.25 added to total, for unrelated reasons
Jun 8th - £136 received with thanks
Jun 8th - 25p overpaid
Ja Wo
Apr 28th - £176.50 start balance
Jun 8th - £100 received with thanks (at 6HC)
Aug 4th - £80 received with thanks (at 6HC)
Aug 4th - £3.50 overpaid
Jo Fr
Apr 28th - £176.50 start balance
Apr 29th - £60 received with thanks (at TO pub)
May 6th - £60 received with thanks (at 5KH)
May 20th - £37 received with thanks (at 5KH)
Jun 2nd - £4.50 received with thanks
Jun 9th/10th - £5 received with thanks (in town)
Jul 14th - £10 received with thanks (at WE)
Jul 14th - £0 to pay
Ma Wh
Apr 29th - £176.50 original amount
May 13th - Paid £125, received with thanks (at 6HC).
Jul 20th - £60 deducted from amount owing, to cover petrol money for driving me to Cornwall and back
Jul 20th - £8.50 paid to him
jul 20th - £0 to pay (subject to me actually travelling in his car on both journeys. Such subject was, in the event, fulfilled.)
Apr 29th - £176.50 original amount
May 17th - Withdrawn from the holiday, place and balance transferred to Ca Je
Page Last Updated - 13/08/2018