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Research behind the exhibition

The exhibition of Rosemarkie, Fortrose and Avoch in World War I was researched and written by Hilary Aitchison, Ivan Brazier, Freda Bassindale, Alasdair Cameron, Barbara Cohen, Philip Cohen, Andy Golder, Don Holding, Sandy Jack, Richard Jenner, Alan Kinghorn, Jim Leslie, Naomi Lloyd, Sandy MacGregor, Catherine MacKay, Magdalene Maclean, Peter Moran, Lewis Patience, Mary Smyth, Margaret Stewart, Evelyn Topp, Janet Witheridge and Robin Witheridge, led by Susan Kruse of ARCH.

Funding was provided by the Heritage Lottery Fund, The Highland Council and Groam House Museum.



We would also like to thank the Highland Archive Centre and the Highlanders Museum at Fort George for access to their archives; Alan Kilpatrick of Historic Environment Scotland; Paul Monk of Cromarty Courthouse Museum; the Petty and Ardersier Community Heritage Group and Inverness Local History Forum who hosted visits; Martin Briscoe for sending a variety of pictures and articles; Doug Maclean for looking out pictures; and Betty Forester, Jim Patience, Billy and Alastair Hossack and Seona Fraser for sharing photos and memories. Special thanks also to Alan Kinghorn and Janet and Robin Witheridge for countless hours in archives and searching websites.


Click here to see some of the additional documents derived from the research

Click here to see the creative writings developed from the research

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