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About Us

The Dorset & West Pastfinders club was born from our first rally in May 2015.

We organised the rally for the charity "Breathe On" raising an amazing sum of £2224.14p .

We realised then from speaking with people that there was a need to set up a club so people could go to regular digs. 


The aim of our club is to give people the chance to indulge in their hobby and raise money for what ever charity the landowner wishes to donate to.

To promote responsible metal detecting. 

To share the history of our fair land.

To appreciate and care for the land we live in.

To support charities.

To work with Landowners and share the mutual benefits.

To promote and nurture friendships and to share the huge wealth of knowledge which comes from our members.


We can offer a search service for anyone who may have lost a valuable or sentimental item or maybe a piece of very expensive or hard to replace piece of machinery. Just use the contact page.

We are fully insured and will always adhere to metal detecting best practises.

If you have any questions or would like more information.

click here


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