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Java Windows 8 Install

Java Download

Java is available from Oracle and runs on a large number of computers.
I currently use Java 8 and you need a version for Windows.
For the YS-CH341T you need a 32 bit version even if you are running a 64 bit version of windows.
For the UMFT4222EV you can use either 32 or 64 bit VMs.
Unless you specifically require 64 bit Java use the 32 bit version.

Java Downloads

As I am often working with several different versions of Java, I use a folder to store them. I create C:\Java\ and change the install location during the install. I will then rename the old generic installation (jdk1.8.0 or jdk1.8.0-x64 to say jdk1.8.0_20-ea-b20 or jdk.8.0-x64_45-b15). I then copy the new installation into the appropiate a generic folder (jdk1.8.0 or jdk1.8.0-x64) and uninstall the original. This makes it easier to create generic scripts to run the software and to check against older versions.
To test the Java install, open a "Command Prompt" window and enter either
Java -fullversion
if you have used the default install or
c:\Java\jdk1.8.0\bin\Java -fullversion
if you have used my install.
The command should display the version of Java installed.


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