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UMFT4222EV Software and Hardware Installation



The UMFT4222EV Dongle has drivers that allow it to run on a range of Operating Systems. It has been tested on Windows XP, XP-x64, W7, W7-x64, W8.1, W8.1-x64. W10 and W10-x64. It has also has drivers for and been tested on Raspbian on the RaspberryPi and on Android tablets.
No source code is supplied but very good documentation is available.

Download Java

You will need to download a version of Java 8 and install it on your Windows machine.

Java Download and Install

Download Software

Next you need to download the software from SourceForge


Install Windows Drivers

Unzip the file into an appropiate folder.
To install the Windows drivers -
Select the I2C-Windows folder
Select the UMFT4222EV folder
Select the Windows-Drivers folder
Select CDM v2.12.06 WHQL Certified
Double click on dp-chooser.exe
If you get the message 'The requested operation requires elevation'
Right click on dp-chooser.exe and Select Run as Administrator
Select run to run program
Select Next
Select I accept agreement
Select Next
The program should confirm it has loaded drivers
Select Finish

Test Install

Open a Comand Prompt Window and CD into this folder. Now CD into I2C-Windows. You will need to Edit Java-32.bat and/or Java-64.bat to point to where Java is installed. The line to change starts Path=
A basic test is to enter .\Java-32.bat i2c_tests.UMFT4222EVTest

UMFT4222EV Test Results


Details of the UMFT4222EV dongle are found on the UMFT4222EV data sheet

UMFT4222EV Pinout.

Connect GND, SDA and SLC carefully to your I2C circuit.

Simple I2C Circuit

There is a growing list of example I2C circuits in I2C Examples.
The first example is fairly straight forward.

Example Circuits

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