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UMFT4222EV Software and Hardware Installation
UMFT4222EV The UMFT4222EV Dongle has drivers that allow it to run on a range of Operating Systems. It has been tested on Windows XP, XP-x64, W7, W7-x64, W8.1, W8.1-x64. W10 and W10-x64. It has also has drivers for and been tested on Raspbian on the RaspberryPi and on Android tablets. Download JavaYou will need to download a version of Java 8 and install it on your Windows machine. Download SoftwareNext you need to download the software from SourceForge Install Windows DriversUnzip the file into an appropiate folder. Test InstallOpen a Comand Prompt Window and CD into this folder. Now CD into I2C-Windows. You will need to Edit Java-32.bat and/or Java-64.bat to point to where Java is installed. The line to change starts Path= WiringDetails of the UMFT4222EV dongle are found on the UMFT4222EV data sheet Connect GND, SDA and SLC carefully to your I2C circuit. Simple I2C CircuitThere is a growing list of example I2C circuits in I2C Examples. | ||