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Raspberry Pi Software and Hardware InstallationRaspbianYou will need a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian. Jessie is the latest and has the advantage of already having Java installed. You will need to enable I2C during setup. Download JavaIf you are using a version of Raspbian that does not have Java on it you will need to download a version of Java 8 and install it. Download Linux ARM 32 Hard Float ABI Download SoftwareNext you need to download the I2C-Raspberry.tar.gz software from Copy it to the Pi and unpack it - I2C with the PiThere are several ways of attaching an I2C bus to the Pi. I have used the I2C available on the Pi and I have attached the UMFT4222EV USB dongle. The Pi hardware does not implement Clock Stretching but otherwise works fine. For more complicated I2C bus structures use the UMFT4222EV Using the Pi I2CThe Pi has a built-in I2C. There are several problems with the implementation but it can be made to work. For simple tests, the 5V supply on the Pi can be used. When the circuit gets more complicated or if motors are used, an external 5V supply may be needed. Be very careful wiring up directly to the Pi. Check your connections and don't have loose wires floating about. WiringSimple I2C CircuitSome experience is required to build these circuits. A real beginner should start with one of the excellent online tutorials on basic electronics. I2C circuits are best developed first on a breadboard. Start with two or three breadboads and a collection of connecting wires of different lengths and colours. You will also need some components - resistors and leds. Lastly you need some I2C chips. I find the MCP23017 very useful - get several. Download the data sheet for the MCP23017 to get the pin connections. All these are available on the Internet very cheaply. Test Simple CircuitThere are two simple Java tests for the Simple I2C Circuit - | ||