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iSCSI Fedora System Build

Most of the development and testing has been done with a Fedora Core 10 system. A Fedora Core 11 system is currently being tested.
Fedora Linux can be downloaded from

I select KDE rather than Gnome (personal preference). I also included a few extra options such as System Tools.

I find Putty and Sftp very useful programs on my windows system.
Putty and Sftp can be downloaded from  

To complete the build we need the kernel-devel package.
yum install yum-utils

For fc10
yumdownloader kernel-devel-
rpm -U kernel-devel-

For fc11
yumdownloader kernel-devel-
rpm -U kernel-devel-

To complete the install, I usually turn off sendmail.
chkconfig sendmail off

To run iSCSI Target Tape I turn off the Linux firewall. This is not a good idea but I have not yet worked out the firewall settings needed.
Please email me if you know how to set up the firewall.
chkconfig iptables off
service iptables stop
chkconfig ip6tables off


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