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Walking with Java - Stop, Start, Stop, Start

I could now make an android walk, but, as I quickly found out, this was just the beginning. Walking is no good unless you can stop and start. A trawl of the web found nothing useful so I looked at the spreadsheet walking curves. Easy, I thought, you just bring all the curves to zero.









The result was terrible. Nothing was coordinated, the feet when through the floor and the arm movements were all wrong. Not a good start (or stop for that matter).
I next spent a lot of time walking up and down and getting other people to walk about, watching how they stopped and started. I even considered using a web cam to video it. Slowly, it started to make sense and the action improved. The final curves, still far from perfect, show how complicated the action is.








Having got the action looking reasonable, the next part was the programming. The walking routine was easy; call a routine that returns the next set of angles and cycle on forever.
Starting was fairly easy, each call returns a set of angles until they match the walking cycle then jump into the walking cycle.
Stopping was much harder. My first approach was to flag a stop in the walking cycle and then check for the switch over to stopping. This worked but was not very useful. My final solution was strides. Before you start you specify how many strides and off you go.
Start, walk and then stop.














Continue with Turn Turn Turn




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