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This site is included in the New Strategic Plan


The Greenwich Site


for 560 houses, land where AVBC ........ALSO want to build a supermarket within 100 yards of a supermarket???


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The only way the local people can stop Morrisons being allowed to build their supermarket on the Nottingham Road Recreation Ground for sure - forever! - is if the site is registered as a VILLAGE GREEN.

The ‘force’ of a site being officially designated as a Village Green is very strong, and the very threat of it being classified as such, should stop the Morrisons supermarket proposal in its tracks.

To do this, a formal application has to be made to Derbyshire County Council, and they then have to follow a specific (legal) process which can take several years to be completed.

THERE IS EVERY CHANCE WE WILL WIN THE ‘CASE’, but to do this, your help is needed now.

We need to submit as much evidence as possible, and that means you too please!

It will only take you 10 minutes, and it’s not hard to do. Just……

1. Write your answers as clearly as possible.

2. Provide an answer – or the information requested – in each box.

3. Sign and date the form.

4. Return to Steve Freeborn (at 56, Alfred Street, Ripley, DE5 3LD) as quickly as you can.

If you wanted to do that bit more to help, then a copy of pictures of you and /or your family and friends at the Nottingham Road Recreation Ground – doing something or nothing, it doesn’t matter – would be great! We definitely need some pictures of ‘public use’, and the further they go back in time the better!

Thank you.

Steve Freeborn

5th May 2012


Please make a difference and write to the address below to STOP the Morrisons Superstore on the Forty Horse (Ripley Gateway)

If you want to raise the country's awareness about the 'scandalous' behaviour exhibited by members of AVBC to facilitate the sale of our open space at Nottingham Road,to Morrisons,please e-mail



The Ripley Gateway

This plan will incorporate an 'eco' supermarket, effectively killing off the town centre shops, it will also contain 150 houses

The builder is Clowes Westerman

Links to the Gateway project

Here are the newest proposals By AVBC and Clowes Westerman


Even after stating that they were listening, and between 200-300 people outside protesting,  the Tory Majority voted almost unanimously for building this un-wanted, un-needed store on our Greenbelt land, within 100 yards of a Sainsbury's store!

Talk about done deals!!





• Development of this site has the potential to assist in 
  delivering a long standing commitment to the future 
  provision of a new A610 link road between Ripley and 
  Langley Mill, including a Codnor by-pass through mixed use
• Reasonably well related to Ripley town centre
• There are no formal environmental, landscape or 
  historical designations
• Most of this site is within the Green Belt
• Part of the land adjacent to Nottingham Road is used as 
   a playing field
• The other part of the site adjoining Nottingham Road is 
   allocated for employment
• The site is not near a railway station

Speeches made on the 28th September 2011 at AVBC Full Councill Meeting 

Joshua Rogers (20) Speech to Full Council Wednesday 28th September 2011

Mayor, Councillors, Ladies and Gentlemen. I am twenty years old and have lived on and around Nottingham road all of my life. I personally have used the Greenwich recreation ground for all manner of activities throughout my life. I have partaken in a wide range of sports on the area including football, cricket, rounders, bike riding, running, skateboarding and regularly to this day BMX bike riding.

This space offers a green lung to Ripley and beyond; a safe, green area that provides facilities used by individuals and organised teams. Greenwich is, and has for many years, greatly improved the local quality of life.

 If you were to study this space for an average day you would see just how much use Greenwich gets. From the early hours of morning dog-walkers start to come and go, families and grandparents come to play and picnic. By evening often up to 30 people use the skatepark. Others play and practise football and cricket. Runners constantly pass through.

On the front page of a recent newspaper Amber Valley Borough Council were criticised for not asking the opinions of those users who should matter the most, the youth. In the aforementioned article Councillor Carney said that he would be glad to hear the opinions of the younger generations. I have come here tonight as their spokesman; I believe I speak for all of them now as I implore you to reconsider putting the sale of this piece of land forward. They do not want to see the existing space tampered with. 

I would also like you to consider the direct effect this proposal will have on the area ecologically. In 2009 the Environment Agency pushed to encourage people to allow natural corridors which wildlife can safely travel down to form. This development will see the destruction of an already well-established wildlife corridor running from Carr Wood through to Codnor Woods.

Throughout my schooling I was taught that councils are put in place to follow the best interests of the local public. From what I can see this sale and development is going ahead purely for Amber Valley Borough Councils financial gain. Throughout the consultation process the public has seen no written proof, facts or figures to justify that Ripley NEEDS another Supermarket. Housing, I do admit may be necessary, but why hasn’t an alternative housing strategy been looked at before turning to green land? Erewash Borough Council have one and are taking stock of empty houses in the area and making them inhabitable and affordable. 

To conclude I would like to ask Amber Valley Borough Council, wholeheartedly, to think seriously about their actions. Take your fingers out of your ears, your minds from your wallets, and think about the quality of life of your local residents. 

Those youngsters out there today, those are your future.

Don’t drive them away, please. 


Speech made by Sylvia Mason

The British democracy has always been the envy of the world, we are such staunch fans of democracy, that we will invade countries with a lack of democracy in order to instill this wonderful state of freedom

This works by the one man one vote system, where as one man will vote for one candidate, this candidate will be representative of what the voter requires, such is democracy  

Take for example, the building on our most treasured rural asset the Green field sites and green belt land, the voter requires that they are to be kept as green fields,

to keep the identity of the villages,

to support the local wildlife,

to give the required amount of recreational space required by law for ourselves, our children & grand children, in which AVBC already has a massive shortfall

therefore, the candidates needs to fight for this cause, as this is what the voter expects and requires

Even the David Cameron has said the greenfields MUST be protected from building proposals

He insisted in todays paper that he is committed to the “magnificent countryside” and said the “beautiful British landscape is a national treasure”.

And that poorly desgined and poorly LOCATED developments are in NO-ONES interests

All councillors are elected by the voter, if they do not perform as required the voter can unduly “dump” the councillor the next time round, as a tick in a box is all that is required for these councillors to remain in such an important representative job

Now I ask these councillors do you vote against these incursions into our treasured green field sites as you are required to do by your electorate AND the Prime Minister

OR do you do what the un-elected, un-ethical, non democratic, overpaid, non representative despots/tyrants in our own council are asking you to do and vote for this rape of our treasured countryside 

If this is to be the later, then I suggest that this is NOT a truly democratic county, and, as such, you do NOT represent the voting electorate, and should be despoiled in the same manner as the other modern day tyrant supporters 

If the plans are forwarded because of your negligence to do the right and democratic thing then I hope once all the green fields have gone that you can live with the guilt of your actions, because we, as a democratic population are asking, no PLEADING with you, to represent us against these un-elected, un-ethical, non democratic, overpaid, non representative despots/tyrants  

Remember, they will KEEP their job, but we WILL remember what choice you make when time comes to tick the box again!

Speeches made on the 2nd November 2011 at AVBC Full Council Meeting

Speech made by Sylvia Mason

I, as a child played on Greenwich rec and the forty horse, my children played there, as does my grandson

It is possibly the only place in Amber Valley that is used EVERY day of the year including Christmas day!

This IS charity land! 

Here are tips for councils in their roles as charity trustees. 

For a body to be a charity, it must be independent.  i.e. it must exist and operate SOLELY for charitable purposes, not as a means of carrying out the policies or directions of the local authority 

1. Make sure you are clear about the objects of the charity set out in its governing document as these dictate how any such asset may be used, in accordance with charity law.

2. Recognise that charity trustees have a duty to be prudent and to act SOLELY in the BEST interest of the charity. 

3. Ensure there is a clear line of responsibility for management of all charities for which the local authority is the trustee.

4. Ensure you have a clear process for identifying and managing ANY conflicts of interest that arise where the local authority is the trustee of a charity 

5. Periodically review whether it continues to be in the best interest of the charity for the local authority to remain as trustee.

 Is it not time to re-assess the trustees and maybe hand over this important role to non-political trustees?

I have a copy of the contract signed in 1977 that states that the Greenwich Trust land can ONLY be sold if it is no longer required

So WHO made the decision? WHO says it is no longer required? Can anyone answer this question please?

I will continue now by pointing out something that I feel is very important, not only to the Greenwich build but to all of the 16 proposed builds

My point is this, every one of you councillors has to decide on whether these 16 builds can become our new local plan, and because we are committed, as a county to provide more homes sooner or later you councillors will HAVE to vote on building on our greenfields,

HOW do I know this…. Simple ……because that is ALL… it seems, is on offer.

Have the planners of these proposed builds even LOOKED at any of the sites that NEED re-development, as they have ONLY offered you the option to build on greenfields and public open space.

There is plenty of land that urgently needs re-development, take the land of the old Waingroves brick works, the Greenwich plot, the Waingroves plot and indeed the Swanwick crematorium would all fit on this plot with land to spare, it also has 3 possible exits, and this is just ONE site that NEEDS re-development

So WHY, WHY, WHY are we even CONSIDERING greenfields

Here is the expensively produced proposed plan and this is what needs doing with it (tear it up)

I along with everyone else outside have

NO confidence in this plan,

NO confidence in the planners and NO confidence anyone who backs these despots, I would sooner withdrawn my council tax payments than pay the wages of an oligarchy, (pron oligarky) who offer us NO life choices

And would ask all the councillors here today to have a vote of NO confidence in them. Thank you!




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