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Thank You to Yasus Afari, Director: Edutainment Promotion


Well known Jamaican poet, Yasus Afari, has supported this project from the start, and in 2008 he performed with poet Richard Douglas Pennant, at an event called 'Building Bridges' held at the Moyelci Environmental Centre.

The event also included Welsh Poets and was attended by over 100 people on a beautiful summer evening. 

Check out the BBC article: CLICK HERE

Yasus Afari continued to support Black History Month in Wales every year and involved schools across Wales in Jamaica Days.



Yasus Afari now leads the 'Building Bridges' project that is creating an anthology of poetry written by children and staff from the schools he worked with in 2019 in North Wales and the children and staff of John Austin All Age School in Pennants. 

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