The Welsh link
Place names: Maps of Clarendon and the other large Parishes that make up Jamaica, tell the story of the Welsh link, with Welsh placenames seen in Debigh, Bangor Ridge, Morgans Valley and many others including Pennants.
These detailed maps are available on the Univerity College of London website at /which focuses on 'The Legacies of the British Slave Trade' and is well worth exploring.
The other clear link is found in the number of people with Welsh surnames: Williams, Jones, Roberts, Thomas and many others.
Family names: We first met Jennifer Williams in Pennants, she was living with her family in what was courtyard of the Pennants Great House. She has been our strongest and most consistent contact since then and she is proudly holding copies of books we had left with her on a previous visit: Spicy Fingers anthology 'Black Adorning' and Yasus Afari's schools poetry anthology 'Buiding Bridges'.
Jennifer has kept in touch and her daughters are growing up now!