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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.



  • ​October 2012 - Siobhan is now the Manager of Little Steps Nursery in BankfootThe Nursery provdies a warm, nurturing and stimulating environment while providing high quality childcare and education. We also offer wraparound care with a pick up and drop off service...


  • Siobhan would like to thank everyone for their cards, chocolates and best wishes given at the last session for her starting her new job as ABC Nursery Manager


  • Please check the calendar for changes to the forthcoming dates due to the coordinator's work committiments. May 19th will be the last session 
  • Please help fundraise for Meningitis in the memory of Alexis Rose. Details are on our Facebook page. many thanks
  • It is with great sadness that I have to post this announcement. Our members Alan and Ruth's beautiful baby daughter, Alexis, Twin sister of Christina, and little sister to Billy passed away at the weekend as a result of Meningitis. Our thoughts are with the family.
  • Christmas Party on 16th December and Santa will be visiting to give presents to the children. Merry Xmas everyone ...
  • Due to the harsh weather Twins plus is cancelled on Thursday 2nd December
  • Tuesday 30th November is St Andrews Day
  • For Xmas Craft this year we will be decorating biscuits with icing sugar and sweets
  • We welcome to the group, two workplace pupils from the Grammar School who have proved popular with the children and the adults! This will continue at each session
  •  August welcomes everyone back and our two new  expectant mums
  • June 17th is our last session before we break for the summer. We are having a fun day outdoors in the play area and will be saying goodbye to - Karen & Richard with Rachel and Jamie as they start pre-school in August, Abbi with Samantha & Adam are also starting nursery. We wish them well 
  • All our children made fab springy Fathers Day cards
  • We all had a great time at our last session,  planting and watering our plants.  After all our planting and playing we had our picnic outside. We took our plants home to watch for the coloured flowers to grow ...
  • The Children were given Toothbrushes,toothpaste and a weekly record card ready for healthy teeth month (May-June). We had the Healthy Teeth and Gums Topic Box and the children thorougly enjoyed brushing the Giant Tooth with the Giant Toothbrush.
  • It was lovely to see Liz with Amy and Lucy at the Easter session. We wish them a very happy move to London.
  • The children will be decorating bags and filling with a sweet for Mother's Day.

  • February  we will be having red and pink snack and making Valentines cards and pictures

  • January 2010 - Happy New year everyone. We welcome everyone back and a big welcome to all our new members . 

  • December - we were busy making Christmas craft and had our party with inflatable fun and a visit from Santa 

  •  Swine flu links - 
  • August - We welcome everyone back after the hols and our latest arrivals Lily and Chelsea with Natasha

  • July 6th - Siobhan invited to Perth FM to speak to Jenny Longden about Twins,Triplets and more week, the new Healthy Multiple Pregnancy Guide and Twins plus !

  • July 5th - Twins Triplets or More Week, Big Cheer for us ! Press release launching  new Healthy Multiple Pregnancy Guide and survey results ...

  • June - Fun and Mini Sports day, Crazy Kangaroo Race, High Waters Rope Game, Egg and Spoon Race !! Well done to all our children.

  • Our new leaflets,flyers and posters are now complete ! Many thanks to Jill with Hayley and Fraser for agreeing to be our real life models ...

  • The Children Decorated and Coloured cards for fathers day - we may put a sweet in them too .....

  • Happy Birthday Karen who celebrates her 40th Birthday on the 16th June !

  • We had our first Mini-Sports Day in June , where our 2 - 3 year olds took part in the Crazy Kangaroo race , egg and spoon and the High Waters rope game ... 

  • May sees Karen run the race for life in support of Cancer Research - well done !!

  • March - Easter cakes and the children made lovely jewelled trinket boxes filled with a chocolate for Mothers Day !

  • We have all enjoyed the Rhythm and Rhyme sessions by Lorraine Mailer

  • We were delighted to receive £90 sustainability grant from the Childcare Strategty Team

  • Dr Daniel Brown,Chiropractor from the Wight Clinic visited to give us a talk

  • Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year. The group restarts on January 15th.

  • Friday 18/12 Christmas Party and visit from Santa at Active Kids- Ho Ho Ho !

  • November 20th - Printing on Canvases, one large one too of all our members

  • November 6th - Parent and child Yoga with Roz             

  • Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt with twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline on the cover of 'People' Brad and Angelina with Twins, Knox and Vivienne                  

  • October had a Big Bug Hunt to raise funds for Meningitis UK and raised £50

  • September 12/13th sees Siobhan dance at Perth Theatre as part of an adult class at Jackie Nicolls Dance Studio !!!!

  • September 4th - Liz is introducing her new venture - Organised Mums

  • September 1st - Committee Meeting

  • August welcomes members and their families back and 4 weeks old James and Jemma on their first visit !!! Well done mum!!!

  • Linda and Paul and big sister Chloe's baby twins James and Jemma arrived 23/07 !   

  • July 12th - Tamba fun day at Blairdrummond Safari park saw eight member families attend with siblings and even older twin brother and sister auntie and uncle to Ben and Georgia!     

  • June 19th -  Teddy Bears Picnic and Open day to celebrate Tambas 30th Birthday. Raffle prizes to be won !!!! Kenmar - double buggy , Willows - afternoon tea, Currys-drinks fountain, Tay fm-dvd's & cd rom, South Bistro voucher, St Johnstone-lunch for two, Campus sports-£20gv, Next - £10gv, Likismia - Dolphin oil burner, Perth Garage - free MOT,Tesco-wine and chocs plus  more...  Many thanks to everyone - more than £130 was raised from the raffle !!!!
  • The Kenmar double buggy was won by Donna who decided to give it to her sister-in-law who was due twins! It was great news and surprise when Jodie and Aimee were born on the same day around the same time the raffle was being drawn !!! Congrats to Lisa and her family!!                    

  • May 15 th  - PEEP visit and Likismia table (Peers Early Education Partnership)                      

  • Congratulations to Jill and John and the safe arrival of Hayley and Fraser on 2nd May

  • May 1st - Sponsored toddle to raise funds for TpP and Homestart Perth.We managed to raise in the region of £350 which is fantastic for our first fundraising activity!Sue from Homestart was delighted to receive a cheque for £100.

  • April 18th saw a successful visit from Roseanna Cunningham MSP SNP who was delighted to meet  some of our families 

  • Karen and Siobhan made a trip to see Trinny and Susannah in Gateshead as part of their new show     

  •                                                                   The Great British Body  which  was on TV  the first week in June!!!                       

  • J-lo introduces her new twins Max & Emme 


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