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about us ...      

Twins plus Perth was started by the co-ordinator Siobhan Moncrieff in March 2006 when her identical twin boys were only four months old. There were four families then and there are now 18 families registered with us. Siobhan has participated in many training activities since starting  the group including , Birth to Three - Mindstretchers- Nurture through Nature,  Baby and Child First Aid, Asthma and Allergies,  Risk Assessment, Child Protection, Hygiene and Infection Control, Pre-Birth to Three and Creating a Positive Ethos. Siobhan has also completed her Level 3 Children's Care Learning and Development course supported by Muirton Community Nursery, Oakbank Primary, Perth College and PKC, Childcare Strategy. In continuing her professional development, Siobhan is working towards her PGDiploma in Childhood Practice at Glasgow University.

Karen and Richard Boyce joined when their twin son and daughter were only a few months old and were involved in the running of the group with Karen as treasurer until their twins commenced pre-school nursery in August.

At Twins plus we  - Like every child to have the right to                                            be themselves

                             - Like everyone to feel part of the group

                             - Encourage positive play and interaction

We welcome all families from pre-birth to pre-school to join us at Perth Grammar School's Community Learning Wing  twice a month on Thursday mornings (term time) between 10 am - 11.45

There are lots of toys and equipment to make it a very welcoming and comfortable environment for both adults and children.

Annual family membership     -  £3

Session per family                   -  £ 2

Drop-in session                        -  £ 2      (optional for birth-                                                         3 months and families outwith Perth)

For more infromation please contact us through the guestbook/feedback page 
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