SpanglefishTwins plus Perth | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

club activities

We meet two Thursday mornings every month between 10 am - 11.45 during term time at the Community Learning wing at Perth Grammar School.  We have lots of lovely equipment and toys which we managed to purchase with an Awards for All grant in 2007.  There are play zones, books, dressing up, song time, craft, treasure baskets, snack time, guests, topical literature, summer fun day and a party at Christmas when Santa pays us a visit. There is a partitioned baby zone with comfy seats, cushion for feeding and a play pen too!


                        some members past and present    

We have had a sponsored toddle and raised £350 and from that we donated £100 to Homestart Perth. In October we raised £50 money for Meningitis Uk as part of their Big Bug Hunt with a Halloween theme!                                                      

We held an open day and Teddy Bears picnic as part of Tambas celebrations in which he held a raffle with fantastic prizes and raised £130 on the day !                                                                                  

We had a fun day at Blairdrummond Safari Park as part of Tambas 30th celebrations in the summer.

We had our Christmas Party at Active Kids where Santa Claus payed a special visit to our 30 children!                                                                                                                                        

We had our first Mini-Sports Day in June 2009, Great Racing Everyone!!!!!

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