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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Twins plus Perth - Constitution

1 To provide a welcoming,informative,safe and fun environment for    families of multiples from pre-birth to pre-school.

2 Refreshments are provided. No hot drinks are permitted for health   -and safety reasons.

3 The management will review fees and membership  annually.Weekly fees paid via envelope system each term or optional drop in fee for expectant -3mths and families outwith Perth.

4 Annual review and meeting where management and members work together to improve the group.

5 Members must help set up and tidy away at every session,including snack. Rota system to sign at each session.

6 Members must sign out and in literature/toys from the library.

7 Members must abide by the rules set out by the Community Wing while on their premises.

8 Every adult has a duty of care to protect all children (refer to our Child Protection Policy and Health & Safety Policy for full details)


Many Thanks

Siobhan Moncrieff

co-ordinator Twins Plus Perth 


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