January 2019
It's a changing scene in Neath, but for some it is not chsnging fast enough.
One change is the Neath Ferret Social Media Website, which ended in December 2018. It is however still online in an archived version, acting as a memory for the past ten years.
As from this month (January 2019) we have a new website - NEATH ONLINE, which deals with news about the town.
Hopefully, the straightfoward format will attract many viewers.
The Neath Community website (this one) will basically be a LINK website, highlighting information of a general nature. We hope it will be useful.
It is not only the end of August, it is the end of the Neath Empire as a building. It is Neath's Ground Zero. The building was 86 years old and during its lifetime had over seven millions visits - mainly by cinema goers. The Empire Cinema website will serve as a long lasting memory of a building that survived the war years (1939 - 1945) but not the NPT CBC of 2012.
Let's hope that in future more thought will be given to Neath's cherished buildings before they are put under the hammer - or should we say bulldozer!
Losing the Accident & Emergency department at the Baglan Moors Hospital is quite a big blow to the community. As the population of Neath grows our hospital facilities are getting less. First the hospital annexe, then Neath General and now changes at Cimla hospital and the Baglan Moors saga. Although not under the control of NPT CBC there is no doubt great concern by our authority - and rightly so.
If only we had a crystal ball! Have said that, many residents have a vision of what they would like to see in the Neath of the future. A new website: VISION FOR NEATH allows residents to express their thoughts and ideas. Click on the new button on the menu and see what others has said so far - in pictures and words.
Interest in this website is developing and the readership is building up month by month - thanks to those working in the media department of NPT CBC who are now sending us regular press reports.
Also thanks must go to the Mayor's office and those responsible for sending details of his official engagements. You will note that we have added his engagements to our menu.
We are delighted to supplement information from other websites and official sources - their efforts are duly acknowledged.