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My method for germinating Epiphyllum seeds, although there are different variations, this works well for me.

I fill a pot with seeding compost and stand it in warm water to soak thoroughly, and then put it to one side for a few hours to let excess water drain off.

I then sow the seeds on top of the compost (apparently they need light to germinate) and place in a heated propagator with the lid on to keep the humidity high.

Just a basic pre-set electric propagator is sufficient

They normally germinate between 1-4 weeks, some a little longer.

Can also be germinated in the summer months on s sunny windowsill, with the pot sealed in a plastic bag

Sometimes they can push themselves out of the compost as the grow, so although this doesn’t happen very often, I just make a small hole with a toothpick or similar pointed instrument and gently nudge the seedling root in to the hole.

Some people give the seeds a fine layer of compost over the seeds.

They will stay in the propagator for about 4-6 months, at that stage I start to harden them off to a less humid environment, just a few hours at a time to begin with, increasing the time out of the propagator over a few weeks.

When large enough to handle pot up into individual small pots

Epiphyllum Society of America seed swing guide below





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