SpanglefishGo Wilderness Mongolia | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 29/12/2010.

Transport & Communications

main road map of mongolia


Mongolia is served by the Trans-Mongolian Railway, which connects Ulaanbaatar with Russia and China. Truck services operate throughout the country. Steamer services operate on the Selenge River and a tug and barge service on Hövsgöl Lake. The airport at Ulaanbaatar provides international flights.



Example distances in Kilometers from Ulaan Baatar To:-

Govi-Altai 1000
Arvaikheer 430
Baruun Urt 560
Bayankhongor 630
Bulgan 326
Choibalsan 655
Dalanzadgad 553
Darkhan 220
Hovd 1425
Mandalgov 260
Moron 672
Olgii 1635
Ondorkhaan 331
Sainshand 463
Sukhbattar 311
Tsetserleg 430
Ulaangom 1335


In 2005 Mongolia had 61 telephone mainlines in use for every 1,000 inhabitants. In 1997 there were 142 radio receivers and 58 television sets per 1,000 people.

The formerly state-owned Mongolian Radio and Television was transformed into a public-service broadcaster as a result of a law passed in 2005. The country has several privately owned TV and radio stations, as well as satellite and cable services. The media are often critical of the authorities. All former state-run newspapers have been privatized. Daily newspapers include Ödriin Sonin (Daily News) and Önöödör (Today), both published in Ulaanbaatar.


Site Last Updated - 25/01/2011 01:46:19
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